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<br />CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of January 9, 2006 . Regular Meeting <br />Page II of13 <br /> <br />3. There is a written understanding by the developer/applicant that he shall be responsible for <br />addressing oflots and for any minor outstanding plat issues that would be raised by the City <br />Attorney, the City Surveyor, or staff review. <br /> <br />4. The developer execute a Submittal Agreement. <br /> <br />5. The developer provide the City with a check for recording fees and an executed mylar of the <br />replat for recording and any other information that is requested by staff as a minor <br />circumstance. <br /> <br />Audience InDut: <br /> <br />Mr. John Casselberry, 700 S. Lost Lake Lane, questioned the validity of the signors on the Plat and <br />recommended the City acquire title insurance. The item should be delayed until legal issues are resolved. <br /> <br />Mr. Scott Benson, Centex Homes, Applicant, 2301 Lucien Way, Suite 400, Maitland, Florida, was presellt <br />to answer questions from the Commission regarding the request. <br /> <br />MOTION: <br /> <br />Moved by Commissioner Susan Doerner to approve <br />the Final Subdivision Replat SP 05-02, Centex <br />Homes/Legacy Park, Residential Phases 1 and 2, <br />with staff recommendations as presented. The <br />motion was seconded by Commissioner Linda Hart <br />and carried unanimously by voice vote. (5 - 0) <br /> <br />J. Funding Request from Envision Seminole for Participation In the Seminole County <br />Community- Wide Survey <br /> <br />Staff Presentation: A request from the Envision Seminole was presented regarding the City's participation <br />in a county-wide comprehensive survey of issues and challenges facing Semillole COUllty as a whole. The <br />request for participation was in the amount of$3,000. Mr. Stampfler recommended the City participate in <br />the survey to be directed by Ellvision Semillole in the $3,000 amount, but he would be recommending that <br />a more detailed and complete City-wide survey be conducted ill February 2006 that will reflect greater detail <br />and views of the residents regardillg issues and challenges of the Community for this area. <br /> <br />Audience Input: Mr. Wayne Weinberg, Chanirman of Envision Seminole, 1278 Chanceworth, Lake Mary, <br />Florida, stated that the survey will be conducted by a professional pollster, Mr. David Cookson. Mr. <br />Weinberg stated that all other cities in Seminole County have contributed $3,000, with the exceptioll of <br />Longwood, who contributed $5,000. Envision Seminole will be holding a special meeting atthe Sheriffs <br />Office on February 17,2006 for discussioll and formulation of the survey. <br /> <br />Commissioner Doerner recommended the City Manager be appointed to represent the City and to formulate <br />questions for the survey. <br /> <br />Commissioner Hufford also recommended the City Manager be appointed to represent the City and to <br />formulate questions for the survey. <br />