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CC Minutes 11/08/2005
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CC Minutes 11/08/2005
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12/13/2005 2:31:43 PM
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12/13/2005 2:30:56 PM
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<br />CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes and Verbatim Transcript of November 8, 2005 Workshop <br />Page80ft7 <br /> <br />119 and today, and of course, as you said, I just started yesterday, but in my judgement, over the last month of <br />120 reading and so on, this is probably one of the more critical things that the City of Cassel belT}' can consider <br />121 and can undertake. Ithink that its very important as a project that it be done, but I think that the overarching <br />122 concern right now is that it be done correctly and to that extent, if we just take the next thirty days and allow <br />123 SPPRE to get the information that they feel is necessary from Unicorp, and then plug that into their analysis, <br />124 we'll have better information that way, and it will also give the staff a little bit more time to understand, to <br />125 make me understand, or help me understand the history and the background. I feel fairly assured that we <br />126 absolutely have another month to look at this without any harm to any, any group, or any individual, and that <br />127 really I guess the old adage, if its worth doing, its worth doing right. Ithink the City wants to make very sure <br />128 in this case that when we enter into spending this much money with any group, or any corporation, that we <br />129 have an absolute understanding and feel comfortable all the way around that this is the best thing to do. So, <br />130 in fact I am asking tonight in agreement with the gentleman from SPPRE, that we do wait for another month, <br />131 and I think we'll have a better handle and a better analysis at that time to present to the Commission. <br />132 COMMISSIONER DOERNER: Just one quick follow up. Can I assume Mr. Stampfler, that that means <br />133 you would also meet with Unicorp? <br />134 CITY MANAGER STAMPFLER: Yes, that's entirely possible during this time. Yes. <br />135 COMMISSIONER DOERNER: Okay. <br />136 MAYOR GOFF: Commissioner Hart? <br />137 VICE MAYOR HART: Ijust; I"m not sure if my memory serves me correctly, but it seems to me we did <br />138 put some guidelines as far as, and we might go back into the minutes and check, you know, as far as the size <br />139 of the, the size ofthe civic center and things like that. So, I think there are some things, some guidelines the <br />140 last time we discussed this, you know in the minutes. That, that might help you. <br />141 JOHN STAINBACK: Okay. I'll be... <br />142 CITY MANAGER STAMPFLER: Mr. Mayor? <br />143 MAYOR GOFF: Yes. <br />144 CITY MANAGER STAMPFLER: May I also ask; the guidelines that the Council may have given <br />145 previously; I assume that those are also open to evaluation, should we see over the next thirty days that you <br />146 know eighteen thousand makes a difference in the equation, rather than fifteen or thirty-six makes a <br />147 difference rather fifteen. We'd like to be able to look at it that way as a staff. <br />148 MAYOR GOFF: Mmhmm. <br />
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