<br />Minutes and Verbatim Transcript of November 8, 2005 Workshop
<br />Page 140f17
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<br />299 hurdle. We've jumped through every; we've been here for two different appraisals I know of, and every time
<br />300 frame. We've spent a lot of money on this project to try and bring some fruition to it, and all r'm suggesting,
<br />30 I and which I was suggesting to everybody is simply when you get the site plan; that one. Alright? That's
<br />302 close enough. That's the wetlands one, but it's a good one to give examples of how tough this site is. The
<br />303 purple areas are obviously your wetlands, but our idea as Unicorp was simply to come to the Commission,
<br />304 say in thirty days, can we possibly get a vote that we will buy on an updated appraisal...(INAUDIBLE)...just
<br />305 push the black button. And, and, you know, honestly, if, if the Commission desires, we will walk away from
<br />306 this, and we would love to get refunded our money and let, only our raw costs, forget our costs. Let
<br />307 somebody else do it, because I got to tell you, this is extremely...(INAUDIBLE)...thank you very much. The
<br />308 area that we're speaking of, and John's not aware of this. I mean, I feel soIT}' for John. We're, we, we as
<br />309 a Commission, as a developer, are telling him to bring you back numbers when I got to tell you, we don't
<br />310 even know the right numbers. We don't know what size you want, what you want, how you want it. This
<br />311 is very difficult. So again, all we're suggesting is get an updated appraisal if you want an updated appraisal.
<br />312 Carve out this particular, and I'll draw it out; This particular, which will house anywhere from thirty-three
<br />313 down to fifteen thousand foot, and we'll make you a deal. If you don't do it in a year, which I got to tell you,
<br />314 based on this Commission, I don't know what's gonna happen. If you don't do it in a year, we'll buy it back.
<br />315 We're willing to do that if you, so be it, if you want us to, but just so that we can kind of get started and
<br />316 people that have been reading about some kind of town center, or some kind of center whatsoever, and they
<br />317 see all this vacant land, and they've read about it, whatever; something gets going vertically on this project.
<br />318 And me personally, I'm beside myself and the Mayor wants to walk out on his center and I, I hope somebody
<br />319 makes note of that, because this is beyond comprehension. We have asked; we have asked for numerous
<br />320 meetings with him. We met Tony on separate occasions trying to say what do you wantto do? We're, we've
<br />321 been here from day one trying to help CasselbelT}'. Our point is this area right here should be carved out and
<br />322 you guys have ample time to go to your homeowners, or go to your own areas, figure out what you want to
<br />323 do. Take a vote, take; get three or four or five options. Get, we; I think you guys hired an independent that
<br />324 would come back and give you numbers of what return on your investment that you can make. Decide
<br />325 whether you want to build it completely on your own with TIP money or whatever, but, but you are holding
<br />326 up this entire development on, on this piece that is an absolute moving target. My recommendation again
<br />327 is that in thirty days, can we please get a Commission vote, and if we can't, we can't. I understand.
<br />328 Commission vote to carve this out. Whatever the square footage is, it is. Whatever the raw square footage.
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