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<br />CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes and Verbatim TranscrIpt of November 8, 2005 Workshop <br />Page 13 of 17 <br /> <br />269 COMMISSIONER DOERNER: ...for the record that I, I think this is inappropriate. We've had very lax <br />270 policies in terms of speaking. We've had people speak from the audience. We've had many processes that <br />271 were not by the letter, one hundred percent, and it is a five member board. It is not a one member board. <br />272 We all equally share and we should always have discussions and we should never have someone leave the <br />273 podium. Its inappropriate. Even if they want to stay and say they don't want to be here, so for the record, <br />274 Mr. Goffhas left and is sitting in the audience. And I find that to be extremely inappropriate. <br />275 LEE MAHER: So, do you want me to sit down? <br />276 VICE MAYOR HART: But, no. I, those of us that want to hear it, go ahead and... <br />277 COMMISSIONER DOERNER: Okay. <br />278 LEE MAHER: Do you know; and we'll give you two minutes... <br />279 VICE MAYOR HART: ...(INAUDIBLE)... <br />280 LEE MAHER: And I, I; let me start by saying I really believe John is doing a good job and I really believe <br />281 that Tony's done a good job, and I really believe this is a very difficult board to get approvals on because <br />282 there's so many moving target on only the, the civic center. And they're fifteen thousand foot, thirty <br />283 thousand foot, twenty-five thousand foot, whatever. We propose, and I really, really thought that this <br />284 meeting was an open ended meeting that we could talk to the Mayor and the Commissioners direct; we <br />285 propose and, and, and ifit is a public meeting, we, Unicorp, proposes; this thing's taken so long. You've got <br />286 an updated appraisal. If you want to get another updated appraisal, you can. We don't care. We, we, we <br />287 are losing tenants. I think I was standing here ninety days ago saying that we've signed letter of intents. We <br />288 haven't signed leases. I had leases. I have commitments, I have drawings, etcetera, trying to get this project <br />289 going. My recommendation; I would hope that somebody could pull it up on a board, but; can anybody; does <br />290 anybody know how to turn this on and show the site plan? Our recommendation, the only thing I was going <br />291 to make to you and the Mayor was simply to carve out the land area that is associated with the community <br />292 center, sell the rest for the appraised value so we can get going. I don't believe in my heart that this <br />293 Commission will approve a certain size and a certain price and a certain whatever, because there are, there <br />294 are so many moving targets. You may find out that a thirty-three thousand foot returns you, the City, more <br />295 money than a fifteen thousand foot that the Mayor wants, or whatever. And we don't really care. And we <br />296 really truly on a buyable, don't care at this stage if we do it or not. And, and I would only tell you as a <br />297 Commission, I promise you; I mean we will; the part that we're frustrated with is we've, we've been here. <br />298 Maybe not the Mayor or whatever, but we've been here every single time. We've gone through every single <br />