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<br />CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes and Verbatim Transcript of November 8, 2005 Workshop <br />Page 12 of 17 <br /> <br />239 MAYOR GOFF: ...We are adjourned, sir. <br />240 LEE MAHER: ...(INAUDIBLE)...month and this is for you guys. This isn't for me. I'm soIT}', Mr. <br />241 Stampfler. Very nice to meet you for the first time. <br />242 CITY MANAGER STAMPFLER: Very nice. <br />243 LEE MAHER: And I got to tell you, I'd like two minutes because you know... <br />244 MAYOR GOFF: No. <br />245 LEE MAHER: I think John is doing a great job, Tony has done a great job... <br />246 COMMISSIONER DOERNER: ....(INAUDIBLE)... <br />247 LEE MAHER: ...Mr. Mayor and I really appreciate... <br />248 COMMISSIONER DOERNER: I think, excuse me, sir. Mr. Goff? <br />249 MAYOR GOFF: We're adjourned. <br />250 COMMISSIONER DOERNER: Well, 1... <br />251 MAYOR GOFF: We are officially adjourned. <br />252 COMMISSIONER DOERNER: I think, well, we have a board; no. We have five members here. <br />253 MAYOR GOFF: No, you've got four. We're adjourned. <br />254 COMMISSIONER DOERNER: No, no, sir. Please, please... <br />255 MAYOR GOFF: I'm soIT}', the public does not hijack our work sessions. <br />256 COMMISSIONER DOERNER: Sir, we have... <br />257 LEE MAHER: 1... <br />258 COMMISSIONER DOERNER: ...we are working with this entity... <br />259 LEE MAHER: ...(INAUDIBLE)... <br />260 COMMISSIONER DOERNER: ...on a project. <br />261 MAYOR GOFF: And that's fine. <br />262 COMMISSIONER DOERNER: Lee, has he... <br />263 MAYOR GOFF: And we have... <br />264 COMMISSIONER DOERNER: Mr. Goff, please, please take your seat. <br />265 MAYOR GOFF: We're adjourned. <br />266 LEE MAHER: This is really to your city's benefit. I promise you this isn't for my benefit. <br />267 COMMISSIONER DOERNER: Alright, well I would like to state for the... <br />268 COMMISSIONER HUFFORD: I would like to...(INAUDIBLE)... <br />