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85 <br /> <br />86 <br /> <br />87 <br /> <br />88 <br /> <br />89 <br /> <br />90 <br /> <br />91 <br /> <br />92 <br /> <br />93 <br /> <br />94 <br /> <br />95 <br /> <br />96 <br /> <br />97 <br /> <br />99 <br /> <br />100 <br /> <br />101 <br /> <br />102 <br /> <br />103 <br /> <br />104 <br /> <br />105 <br /> <br />106 <br /> <br />107 <br /> <br />108 <br /> <br />109 <br /> <br />110 <br /> <br />111 <br /> <br />CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Verbatim Transcript from July 14, 2003 - Regular Meeting <br />Regular Agenda 2 - First Reading of Ordinance 03-1090 - Referendum Election & Ballot Language Concerning Electric Franchise Issue <br />Page 5 of 49 <br /> <br />for which I was eligible to vote. And I guess people who do this sort of research would call me a <br />super voter. And I understand that one of thc issues before the Commission as it is throughout <br />our region is whether or not thc Commission should act on this. For the first time I understood <br />tonight that the referendum is in actuality a straw and non-binding referendum, if that is correct. <br />When I went to thc polls with an absentee ballot and when I went to thc polls physically here in <br />Florida, I voted for what is a representative government and I think that's the way to go. I've <br />seen too many instances where referendum have not done the fight thing because wc have a large <br />number of people who arc voting on motion and don't always have all the facts. The State of <br />Florida did something about the pigs that I'm not too sure about but I read a lot about it as a <br />result of a referendum that was put before the people. Now certainly this issue is significantly <br />more serious but it only tended to solidify in my opinion of the challenge you face when you go <br />the referendum route. The people at Progress Energy, the people at Florida Power are what I call <br />professionals. I considered myself a professional when I was in the service and I do now in the <br />work that I do and that means something to me. I'll share with you a story about professionals <br />and what happens, or what can happen when you switch horses in mid stream. A few years back <br />when I was in the service, I was assigned to a ship at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. It was a fleet oiler. <br />A big ship, old ship. The sailors on that ship kept it running for thirty, forty years. They kicked <br />it. They spit at it. They shouted at it. They wrapped it with tape and wire and chewing gum and <br />the darn thing just kept running. It ran and it ran and it ran. And the last deployment that that <br />ship made under Navy colors was a seven month Western Pacific deployment and it ran and it <br />ran and it ran for seven months straight. The Navy in its infinite wisdom decided that they could <br />save money by turning the ships of that class over to civilian mariners which they have done with <br />a number of ships. Take away the sailors and put civilians on there. They can man it with fewer <br />people. The mission changes a little bit. So, in a very nice ceremony at the pier of Pearl Harbor <br />after two months of indoctrination for the civilian military sea lift command crew, which I have <br />great respect for, the sailors marched offthe ship. Again, after two months of indoctrination, the <br />sailors marched offthe ship just like a ceremony you saw with the Ronald Reagan yesterday, if <br />you saw that, and on that ship marched all these civilian mariners. Some of them were already <br /> <br /> <br />