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CC Minutes 03/11/2003
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2003 City Commission Minutes
CC Minutes 03/11/2003
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12/15/2003 2:10:26 PM
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City Commission <br />Special Workshop Presentations <br />Investor Owned Electrical Providers <br />Page 24 <br /> <br />Committee and I have seen some false things that have been put out in mailers and it is certainly <br />very disturbing especially because of the pattern that I have seen going as far back as the 1960's <br />with regard to Winter Garden. I see the same patterns in other cities, our sister cities be they <br />Winter Park, be they Longwood. So the question I have to you is, what are you, not necessarily <br />you personally, you as a corporation going to do to build up that trust so that we can know that <br />you will live by your word and we don't have to worry any kind of shenanigans that will be <br />disruptive. <br /> <br />RALEY: Mayor Pronovost, I don't think that there is anything that I can say here that would <br />provide a guarantee for you that you can trust me. I think the only way that trust can be <br />established again after it has been lost is through actions and that has to occur daily. All I can say <br />is that we are a new company. When we acquired Florida Power in 2000, we had a vision for <br />this company. We continue to try to move this company closer to that vision. We are a long way <br />from being there. ! tell folks that work in my organization everyday, we lost a lot of credibility <br />over the last five to seven years prior to the last couple and now we have to work to re-establish <br />that and that is trust with the cities that we serve, the major customers which you represent and <br />the only way that we can do that is not from a guarantee that I can stand up here and say that you <br />can trust me, but by our actions. I will commit to you that we will work hard to regain your trust. <br />As far as the conversation with Mr. Havermeyer, our present CEO, it is not our decision whether <br />the City has a referendum or not, that is up to the citizens of Casselberry, your constituents. I <br />think that from what I gather, it is important for the citizens that for a purchase of this size, for a <br />step this big, they feel that there should be an opportunity for them to be heard and I think that <br />that is where that's coming from. I think it is something that we don't do, that is up to the <br />citizens of Casselberry. We support that, yes we support everyone's right to have a voice in the <br />political process. Just as you yourselves were voted in and we, you know, unfortunately, that <br />maybe different from what you are thinking, but that is what we paid the money for and we <br />didn't hide that. We were very up front with that. We made that contribution because we <br />thought it was a good cause. <br /> <br />PRONOVOST: We went through an arbitration process, we both did, the City and Progress <br />Energy and an value has been established, it certainly didn't happen overnight, some lengthy <br />processes, consultants, engineers, experts, legal folks and arrived at a price of just over $22 <br />Million dollars for this. <br /> <br />RALE¥: I think that was for the poles and the wires is what the $22.3 was for, yes sir. <br /> <br />PRONOVOST: Right. What I am looking at is should we enter into a new franchise <br />agreement say a thirty-year franchise agreement, to have the City go through the same process, I <br />am not sure that I could be comfortable with doing that. Would you be agreeable to leave the <br /> <br /> <br />
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