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CC Minutes 03/11/2003
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2003 City Commission Minutes
CC Minutes 03/11/2003
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12/15/2003 2:10:26 PM
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City Commission <br />Special Workshop Presentations <br />Investor Owned Electrical Providers <br />Page 23 <br /> <br />PRONOVOST: Commissioner Clark, you had a question. <br /> <br />CLARK: In thinking about response to the February 2"~ proposal was last looked at it was <br />very similar to the proposal that we got in July, which was very similar to what Oviedo had and <br />so far as giving a response to the one you gave us in February, there was some things that you <br />had done in the April 2°d proposal that didn't have the purchase option and a few other things that <br />we would like to have had, but there was some things in it that it would have been nice to <br />possibly go back and maybe readdress from the standpoint of the negotiation process. I just <br />wanted to make sure I understood you that we might as well throw that one out the window <br />because what you said was that you didn't have a right to offer that particular April's offer last <br />year. <br /> <br />RALEY: Only a small portion of that where we committed some financial dollars to pay for <br />performance only in that regard. The other portion of that is what I had forwarded over to Mr. <br />Segreto last week, which was that we would sit down and work with the City each year, twice a <br />year or as needed to gather the input and make sure that we are addressing the needs. Those are <br />commitments that we are willing to make. The franchise agreement is the same, it is the stone <br />franchise that we signed in Oviedo that Ms. Reischmann and Mr. Cloud both reviewed and we <br />feel that that is a good document. We are focusing on the package here and that is why we would <br />like to see something back Commissioner Clark. If you have ideas, please. <br /> <br />CLARK: It is shame that we could not have gotten that one back in 1999 or 2000. It would <br />have been a real breeze to solve this situation 1 think. <br /> <br />RALEY: Yes, and I think you will see in the transcript where I said I regret that that did not <br />happen and I wish it had. <br /> <br />PRONOVOST: 1 have a couple follow up questions and that is in regard to some of the <br />concerns, and I think you recognize those concerns that Mr. Segreto talked about, is in terms, if <br />you remember and this Commission certainly remembers, that back sometime November, <br />December time frame, I had a conversation with your President, Mr. Havermeyer, and in essence <br />at that point in time, ! extended an olive branch, Mr. Havermeyer extended an olive branch and <br />both mutually accepted the olive branch and made an attempt to, even though we are on a dual <br />path, to have positive negotiations with you to come up with a responsive franchise agreement. <br />At the same time during this process, in subsequent conversation, Mr. Havermeyer as a report to <br />this Commissioner, indicated that in the event that no franchise agreement is able to be reached <br />with the City, you are going to a referendum. Then I see the funding ora Political Action <br /> <br /> <br />
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