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CC Minutes 03/11/2003
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2003 City Commission Minutes
CC Minutes 03/11/2003
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8/3/2005 2:54:18 PM
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12/15/2003 2:10:26 PM
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City Commission <br />Special Workshop Presentations <br />Investor Owned Electrical Providers <br />Page 21 <br /> <br />you but it is very very difficult to build a new relationship when we have those things occurring. <br />Again, in 1994, a Clearwater issue on renewing of franchises and again, the consultants that your <br />firm hired had them doing everything that they could in their power to discredit the public <br />servants of those cities and it is very uncomfortable being a public servant, trying to develop a <br />relationship of trust. On one hand trying to negotiate with you and the next day I pick up the <br />paper and it says yes, we are going to give $10,000 for a group of citizens, and I respect the <br />citizens right to have an initiatives, but at the same time this elected body is trying to have <br />eliminate of respect for you and we need some assurances that we can rebuild those issues of <br />trust. <br /> <br />RALEY: I respect those comments Mr. Segreto and Commissioner Doemer. One of the <br />things and again I can't change what happened in the past, I can only address the things that are <br />happening now. 1 know that the PAC had asked us to make a contribution and we did because <br />we felt their desire to get this to a referendum was the proper thing to do. <br /> <br />DOERNER: I don't mean to cut you off, but could you please clarify what the referendum, <br />what your issue is that your helping, that you put $10,000 towards. What are you attempting to <br />achieve specifically? <br /> <br />RALEY: It is my understanding that it is to get it onto the ballot the action to, if there is <br />going to be referendum for the purchase or for any large purchase, it is my understanding. I <br />would have to yield to someone who is more familiar with that Commissioner Doerner. <br /> <br />DOERNER: But you understand any large purchase in the City of Casselberry do not pertain <br />to Florida Power. You are not part of the City government, correct, so that would not be <br />pertinent to what you are trying to achieve. <br />RALEY: I think the political process allows anyone the right to participate in the political <br />process and I think it would be bad to try to deny that to any group or individual that felt that they <br />had an interest and wanted to participate in that. I think it is sort of bad that we would even <br />consider restricting an individual's ability to do that. <br /> <br />DOERNER: And you are very comfortable with the $10,000 for the Political Action <br />Committee? <br /> <br />RALEY: I am comfortable with the $10,000 as far as it was presented to me, yes mam. As <br />far as the legal fees, let me back up and address that, I think that, you know, it should be <br />understood that not only the City has spent extensive legal fees, we have as well. That's why we <br />made an an offer and tried to settle this before the arbitration ever began. We feel that some of <br /> <br /> <br />
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