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City Commission <br />Special Workshop Presentations <br />Investor Owned Electrical Providers <br />Page 20 <br /> <br />heard that there is some question as to whether or Progress Energy/Florida Power will honor all <br />the litigation costs that are being incurred or whether you might stop at some point and say we <br />have decided that this is the point we are paying up until and we are simply not going beyond <br />that. I am aware, Mr. Segreto correct me, we just had something filed on our arbitration, is that <br />correct? <br /> <br />SEGRETO: Up to the date of arbitration, we expended about one million, five hundred <br />thousand dollars; to date we have expended about a one million, nine hundred thousand dollars. <br /> <br />I)OERNER: When was the last time something was filed by Florida Power? <br /> <br />SEGRETO: Florida Power just appealed a portion of the arbitration decision regarding the <br />stranded costs so we are in the process of defending that; $11,000 dollars in legal fees as a result <br />of having to defend that, that as of the last Commission meeting agenda. <br /> <br />i)OERNER: And that issue was resolved, the stranded costs, is that correct? <br /> <br />SEGRETO: That issue was resolved by the arbitrators and said stranded costs was zero, but <br />Florida Power has decided that they are going to litigate that and take it back to Judge Nelson and <br />have Judge Nelson look at that portion of the arbitration order. <br /> <br />I)OERNER: So that is to take it back to arbitration again? <br /> <br />SEGRETO: Not he whole arbitration order, just the stranded cost portion. <br /> <br />I)OERNER: What I am concerned about is that this is like a endless process and by bullying <br />and twisting arms is essentially what I am talking about. The City is familiar with being litigated <br />from here to eternity and that can be a very powerful tool that citizens don't understand because <br />they are not seeing these costs coming in in the process. You have to respond to litigation, is that <br />correct, you can't decide that you are not going to play anymore. <br /> <br />SEGRETO: No mam, we need to respond. On a bigger issue, I think we are dancing all <br />around the issue. Billy and I have had some rather candid discussions about the element of trust <br />and I didn't share the documents with the Commission but as we went through arbitration, it was <br />very disturbing to see the public relations firms that Florida Power, your predecessor has hired all <br />the way back to 1964 in Winter Garden and they indicated a lot of influence peddling, a lot of <br />abuse of City Officials, berating city services in Winter Garden and it is disturbing because those <br />same patters are now appearing in Casselberry and I want to trust you and I want to work with <br /> <br /> <br />