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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of November 18, 2024 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 7 of 37 <br />REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION AND <br />CONSIDERATION (See inotion on Page 8 of these minutes.) <br />Commissioner Albritton stated he would like to have Item i — Reorganization of the Administration <br />Department and Related Budget Amendment #25-008 removed for separate discussion and consideration. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Albritton moved to remove Item I — Reorganization of the <br />Administration Department and Related Budget Amendment #25-008 for <br />separate discussion and consideration. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor <br />Aramendia. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote 5-0. <br />Audience Participation: The following individual came forward to address the Consent Agenda: <br />1. Commissioner -Elect Thomas E. Kirk, 2339 Inagua Way, expressed concerns with item H, <br />stating it appeared to contain amendments to the budget just adopted in October and he felt that <br />it needed more clarification. He requested that one of the Commissioners recommend having <br />that item removed for separate discussion and consideration, as well. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Albritton moved to remove Item H — Amendment to the FY <br />2025 Budget, Appendix A, Classification/Pay Grade for separate discussion <br />and consideration. <br />Commissioner Albritton stated that although a lot of the item made sense to him after discussions with the <br />City Manager, he felt that some people in the audience may have questions that could be clarified by the City <br />Manager with further discussion on some of the issues. <br />Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Aramendia. Motion carried <br />unanimously by voice vote 5-0. <br />No one else came forward to address the Consent Agenda. <br />Mayor Henson advised that Items H and I would be removed from the Consent Agenda for further <br />discussion and consideration and a motion could be made at this time to approve the remainder of the <br />Consent Agenda if there were no other questions or issues. <br />MOTION: Vice Mayor Aramendia moved to approve the remainder of the Consent <br />Agenda, Items A through G, as presented. Motion was seconded by <br />Commissioner Albritton. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote 5-0. <br />The City Cleric announced for the record that the Commission had received an email from a Mary Beth <br />Johnson concerning items H and I that had been printed and distributed to the Commission at the dais for <br />their reference since it came in earlier in the afternoon and the Commissioners may not have had a chance <br />to see their emails since it was received. <br />