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CC 11/18/2024 Minutes
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CC 11/18/2024 Minutes
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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of November 18, 2024 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 8 of 37 <br />H. Amendment to the FY 2025 Budget, Appendix A, Classification/Pay Grade <br />Schedule <br />Staff Presentation: City Manager Randy Newlon explained that the amendment referenced in Item H had <br />to do with modifying Appendix A of the City's Budget, which is the Pay and Classification Schedule for <br />all the approved and authorized jobs within the City, which created new job classifications with tiers, such <br />as a Position 1 /I1. This gives employees the ability to be hired with the basic requirements of a position, as <br />well as the opportunity to be promoted to higher levels after gaining qualifications, skills and abilities. <br />Typically, amendments to the lists and schedule are made each year as part of the budget process; however, <br />although there were some opportunities that were being considered at the time of adoption of the Pay Plan, <br />they did not get included in the budget adoption process. Therefore, the Administrative Services <br />Department is requesting that the Commission consider amending these positions by placing tiers on them <br />to provide for potential growth and avoid the possibility of someone in these positions topping out and <br />being unable to attain a higher salary. Mr. Newlon stated that the purpose of these amendments was for <br />retention, job satisfaction and maintaining a stable workforce. <br />Budget Impact: There is no impact on the City Budget. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the Administrative Services Director recommended approval <br />of the position retitles and pay grade assignments. <br />Audience Participation: No one came forward to address this item. <br />MOTION: Vice Mayor Aramendia moved to approve item H - Amendment to the FY <br />2025 Budget, Appendix A, Classification/Pay Grade Schedule to adjust <br />position titles and pay grade assignments, as requested. Motion was seconded <br />by Commissioner Busch. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote 5-0. <br />Reorganization of the Administration Department and Related Budget Amendment <br />#25-008 <br />Staff Presentation: City Manager Randy Newlon stated this was a request for reorganization of the <br />Administration Department which currently consists of the City Manager, who supervises the Executive <br />Assistant to the City Manager, and the City Clerk, who supervises the Deputy City Clerk, .Records <br />Coordinator, and Staff Assistant I, and he has seen an opportunity at this time to achieve a higher level of <br />efficiency in different areas and would like the Commission to consider allowing him to change the category <br />and responsibilities of the Executive Assistant to an Assistant City Manager. Mr. Newlon stated five of <br />the seven cities in Seminole County have either an Assistant City Manager or a Deputy City Manager which <br />provides for a level of support and redundancy that the City of Casselberry does not currently have. He <br />further stated the position is being requested in the interest of better efficiency, more productivity, stability <br />of the department workforce, and the opportunity, if needed, to assist with transition from one City Manager <br />to the next. Mr. Newlon stated that he was recommending promoting his Executive Assistant, Lorie <br />Mertens -Black to be the Assistant City Manager, as she has a Bachelor's Degree in Public Relations, a <br />Master's Degree in Public Administration, and an extensive career at the City of Hollywood, including <br />being a department head and acting as Interim City Manager for a period prior to her retirement, which he <br />
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