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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of September 23, 2024 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 12 of 21 <br />MOTION: Commissioner Busch moved to approve Resolution 24-3464 establishing a <br />final operating budget for the City of Casselberry totaling $75,448,514 for <br />Fiscal Year 2024-2025, as presented. Motion was seconded by Commissioner <br />Divita. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote 4-0. <br />Mayor Henson announced that the City of Casselberry has adopted a final budget for Fiscal Year 2024- <br />2025. <br />10. RESOLUTIONS <br />A. Resolution 24-3460 — Sunnytown Park Improvements Project— Florida Recreation <br />Development Assistance Program Grant <br />The City Clerk read Resolution 24-3460 by title, as follows: <br />"A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY, <br />FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF AN APPLICATION TO THE STATE OF <br />FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION RELATING TO <br />FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM THE FLORIDA RECREATION DEVELOPMENT <br />ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR THE SUNNYTOWN PARK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT; <br />PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE." <br />Staff Presentation: Recreation Manager Linda Moore gave an overview of Resolution 24-3460 which <br />authorizes staff to apply for a Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) grant from <br />the Florida Department of Environmental Protection in the amount of $200,000 for improvements to <br />Sunnytown Park, which was prioritized as the sixth park project slated for improvements in the 2020 Parks <br />Bond Referendum. Due to numerous site and funding constraints the project had been placed on pause by <br />the City Commission in 2023. However, staff recently developed an updated conceptual plan that addresses <br />several of the site constraints and further identifies primary components for the project that would qualify <br />for a FRDAP grant submission. Ms. Moore briefly described some of the proposed components and noted <br />that the grant would require a match by the City in the amount of $200,000 for a total project cost of <br />$400,000, but the actual cost to complete all the elements proposed would likely exceed $400,000, in which <br />case the City would need to fund the overage on its own through other means. Applications for the current <br />FRDAP grant cycle are due September 30, 2024 and if awarded grant funding, the City will have three (3) <br />years to complete the project. Mr. Newlon and the City Commission commended staff for moving quickly <br />to develop the new conceptual design, present the proposed design to the community, the Friends of the <br />Park, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the City Commission in order to make the deadline for <br />submission of the grant application and get this project moving forward again. <br />Budget Impact: There is no budget impact at this time. However, if the FRDAP grant is awarded, the <br />City will have to provide a $200,000 match for state funding in the amount of $200,000 for a total cost of <br />$400,000 for the Sunnytown Park Improvements project. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the Public Works & Utilities Director recommended approval <br />of Resolution 24-3460 authorizing submittal of the Sunnytown Park Improvements Project — Florida <br />