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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of April 10, 2023 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 10 of 11 <br />17. CITY COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS/COMMENTS <br />Commissioner Anthony Aramendia - Seat No. 1: <br />Attended the CALNO (Council of Local Governments in Seminole County) meeting on <br />Wednesday, April 5f1i which was hosted by the City of Longwood. A presentation was given <br />on the proposed new fire station being designed which will be located adjacent to Reiter Park. <br />There was also discussion about changes being made to the current Orlando Health hospital <br />facility which will include tearing down the old hospital, building a stand-alone emergency <br />room and potential redevelopment of the remaining site adjacent to the park as a multi -use <br />development. After the presentation and discussion, reports were given by each member <br />organization on events and issues in their respective jurisdictions. <br />Attended the historical marker dedication for the Brightwater Estate on Saturday, April 111 <br />Attended the Seminole County State of the County address on Monday, April 3'd. <br />Will be attending a Casselberry Chamber of Commerce after-hours event Tuesday, April l 1t" <br />from 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Bowigens Beer Company, representing both Historic Casselberry and <br />Friends of the Park. <br />Commissioner Andrew Meadows — Seat No. 2: <br />Stated he had also attended and enjoyed the Seminole County State of the County address on <br />Monday, April 3rd. <br />Reiterated what City Manager Newlon had suggested to the residents who had spoken earlier <br />about the issues with the Airbnb rentals that it was important to have a record of any incidents <br />when they occur, and residents should report concerns about code violations, noise violations <br />or any other type of disturbances to either the Police Department non -emergency number or <br />the Code Compliance Division, whichever was appropriate. <br />Vice Mayor/Commissioner Mark Busch - Seat No. 3: <br />Agreed that the State of the County address had been a great event, as had the Brightwater <br />Estate historical marker dedication ceremony, noting he had been surprised and pleased with <br />the attendance at the dedication. <br />Agreed with Commissioner Meadows' comments that any incidents related to the situation <br />with the Airbnb rentals should be documented while staff and the City Attorney continue to <br />research possible resolutions to those issues. <br />Mayor/Commissioner David Henson - Seat No. 5: <br />• Recently attended the following events and meetings: National Vietnam War Veterans Day <br />presentation at the Local American Legion post on March 291"; Brightwater Estate historical <br />marker dedication ceremony on April 1st; and the Seminole County State of the County address <br />on April 3'd . <br />• Left immediately after the State of the County address for Tallahassee and was there from <br />