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CASSEL13ERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of April 10, 2023 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 11 of 11 <br />Monday, April 3'd through Wednesday, April 511i acting as an advocate for the City and meeting <br />with State Representatives and Senators about the City's issues and concerns relating to <br />legislation coming before the House and Senate. <br />City Manager Newlon added to his earlier report by recognizing Pastor Andy Searles in the audience and <br />thanking him for his part in the organization of the Neighbor -to -Neighbor program in the City which rallies <br />local volunteers from the faith -based community to work with the City's Code Compliance Division to <br />assist citizens in need with remedying code violations that they are unable to remedy on their own. <br />18. ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no further business, Mayor Henson adjourned the meeting at 6:47 p.m. <br />DATE MINUTES APPROVED BY CITY COMMISSION: <br />ATTEST: <br />Lp-k4v,� <br />s <br />Donna G. Gardner, CMC <br />City Clerk <br />