<br />Minutes of January 10, 2022 — Regular Meeting
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<br />customers that will be accomplished by the project. An Invitation to Bid, ITB -2021-0791, was issued on
<br />August 27, 2021 requesting bids from qualified firms for the Highway 17/92 Water Main Looping (SR 436
<br />to Ridge Rd) Project. The work consists of furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to install
<br />4,400 feet of 12 -inch water main. Bids for the project were due on October 5, 2021. Three firms responded
<br />with bids ranging from $1,576,062 to $1,807,745. DBE Management LLC dba DBE Utility Services
<br />provided the lowest, most responsive, and responsible bid in the amount of $1,576,062. Total project
<br />construction costs, inclusive of the base bid and 10% contingency, is $1,733,668.20. It should be noted that
<br />the usage of the contingency will require prior authorization. Funds in the amount of $424,676.07 were
<br />budgeted in FY 21 and were rolled over into FY 22 for this project. Under a separate item on this agenda,
<br />Public Works staff is requesting the approval of related Construction Engineering Inspection (CEI) services
<br />in the amount of $173,425; therefore, Budget Amendment #22-020 is necessary to provide an additional
<br />$1,482,417.13 to cover the remainder of construction costs, contingency, and CEI services. For tracking
<br />purposes, this item is associated with PW 1807 Highway 17/92 Water Main Looping (SR 436 to Ridge
<br />Road). The project will upsize the City's system and improve water quality overall, as well as pressure to
<br />the Lake of the Woods and English Estates areas. Most of the pipe will be replaced, and there will be two
<br />phases each of an English Estates and a Northgate water main replacement project. A couple of those are
<br />currently under design and with assistance from ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funding those will be
<br />brought forward as part of this project. Staff is also hoping to remove some of the backyard water mains
<br />that are a -c (asbestos -cement) and continuously break, specifically during hurricanes, so the hope is that
<br />this project will help to alleviate some of those issues.
<br />In response to questions from the City Commission, Ms. Lamoureux explained that some of these areas
<br />needing pipe replacement were part of a private utility purchased by the City decades ago with a goal of
<br />making repairs to the aged system and improving water quality in the area. However, when the City started
<br />upgrading the system and building the pressure, the old pipes started breaking, so that is the reason
<br />everything needs to be replaced. In response to additional questions, Ms. Lamoureux explained that this
<br />particular project will be in FDOT (Florida Department of Transportation) rights of way and Seminole
<br />County rights of way; however, there are some water mains located backyards which will need be moved
<br />into those Seminole County rights of way. Those projects which will be brought forward later will be very
<br />expensive, as the City will be unable to utilize the pipe bursting method to replace the pipes. The City's
<br />plan is to have them all replaced within five years, which should be possible due to the ARPA funds. In
<br />response to a question from Commissioner Meadows regarding the reason for the lines breaking during
<br />hurricanes, she responded that there are large trees in some of the areas that come down during hurricanes
<br />and the roots coming up cause ground shifts, which in turn breaks the a -c pipes. When trying to repair
<br />those breaks, work has to keep moving back because the pipe continues to break as digging occurs and a
<br />significant area usually ends up needing to be replaced.
<br />Budget Impact: Budget Amendment #22-020 will increase the Water & Sewer Capital Improvement Fund
<br />other Non-operating Sources account #403-0000-389.90-00 and the Water & Sewer Capital Improvement
<br />Fund Distribution & Collection Infrastructure account #403-0751-536.63-40 by $1,482,418 for
<br />construction of the 17/92 Water Main Looping (SR 436 to Ridge Road) project.
<br />BA #22-020
<br />Explanation of Request: This budget amendment seeks City Commission approval to provide additional
<br />funding for construction, CEI (construction, engineering, and inspection) services and 10 percent
<br />contingency for Highway 17/92 Water Main Looping (SR 436 to Ridge Road) project in the amount of
<br />$1.,482,418.
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