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CC 05/10/2021 Minutes
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CC 05/10/2021 Minutes
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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of May 10, 2021 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 10 of 12 <br />15. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT <br />Ms. Reischmann provided additional updates on the two recent executive orders issued by Governor <br />DeSantis relating to COVID-19, one of which was effective immediately and basically removed all <br />government mandates for masks or social distancing, and one of which will be effective July 151 and states <br />that any emergency order issued due to COVID-19 is invalidated if it restricts the rights or liberties of <br />individuals or businesses. <br />Ms. Reischmann also gave brief updates on some recently passed legislation which included: a bill that <br />affects local governments' issuance of emergency orders; a bill that limits government liability for Covid- <br />related claims; and the anti -riot bill which is effective immediately and defines riot to mean a violent public <br />disturbance involving three or more people when they are acting with a common intent to assist each other <br />in violent conduct which could result in imminent danger. She stated that the most concerning part of the <br />anti -riot bill was that it creates a new cause of action for local governments for failure to respond to a riot, <br />making them civilly liable if they do not respond. She also mentioned another bill that was signed into law <br />that allows for required public notices to be published either on the internet or in a newspaper, not just in a <br />newspaper of general circulation, or there is an option to once a year mail a notification to residents advising <br />that they can receive legal notices by first class snail or email if they register with the city. This one is not <br />effective until 2022 which will give the cities time to decide on a process. <br />In response to a question from Mayor Henson, Ms. Reischmann advised that House Bill 403 relating to <br />home-based businesses had not yet been signed by the Governor. She advised that the Florida League of <br />Cities is requesting each of the cities to write a letter requesting the Governor to veto the bill and to send <br />them to the League for presentation as a group to the Governor's office. <br />Discussion: Discussion ensued regarding confusion about whether or not House Bill 403 was properly <br />adopted; concerns about its negative impact on cities' regulation of home-based businesses; the request <br />from the Florida League of Cities for letters requesting a veto of the bill; reluctance to authorize signing of <br />a letter that had not been reviewed by the Commission; and the need for submission of the veto request <br />letters before deadline for governor's signature on the bill. Commissioner Meadows stated he was <br />definitely in favor of Home Rule but expressed concern about authorizing the Mayor to sign the letter <br />without the Commission first having had a chance to review it. After discussion, it was agreed by consensus <br />that the City's letter would simply state that it was opposed to House Bill 403 and request that the Governor <br />veto the bill, and the City Attorney would prepare the letter for the Mayor's signature. <br />16. CITY CLERK'S REPORT <br />City Clerk Donna Gardner shared the following information: <br />Tonight's meeting will be the only meeting in May; there will be no meeting on May 24th. The <br />next regular City Commission meeting will be on Monday, June 141h at 5:30 p.m. <br />The City's first event in over a year will be the Rock N' Blues Concert and Car Show which <br />will be held Memorial Day weekend on Saturday, May 29t'' from 4-8 p.m. in Lake Concord <br />Park and will feature musical artist Apocalypse Blues Revival. She stated food trucks will be <br />available and encouraged everyone to come out and enjoy the event. <br />
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