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CASSELIIERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of May 10, 2021 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 11 of 12 <br />• The monthly event formerly known as Art and Music in the Park has been rebranded as Food <br />Truck Friday and will resume as a scaled back version on Friday, June I P', from 6-9 p.m. in <br />Lake Concord Park. The event will feature food trucks and some acoustic music. <br />• A few spots are still available for summer camp. Signup is available on the City's website, <br /> <br />• The virtual art camp which was previously promoted in the City's newsletter has been cancelled <br />due to a lack of interest in a virtual camp, so the City will now be offering an in-person art <br />camp and information about that is currently available on the website at, <br />and the change will also be promoted on the City's social media sites. <br />• The City is trying to accommodate the public's desire for in-person activities while still doing <br />things safely, so all the camps will be done with social distancing and protocols in place for <br />hygiene and masking. <br />17. CITY COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS/COMMENTS <br />Commissioner Anthony Aramendia - Seat No. 1: <br />No report. <br />Commissioner Andrew Meadows — Seat No. 2: <br />Congratulated the Police and Public Works Departments for the recognitions received earlier <br />in the meeting, and also congratulated City Clerk Donna Gardner for the Municipal Clerks <br />Week recognition and thanked her for all she does. <br />Expressed appreciation to the citizens who had provided input during the meeting relating to <br />live streaming of the meetings and working towards better communication between the City <br />and its residents. He stated he personally always welcomed feedback from citizens, and he was <br />happy that there was now a better date range for when information on the options for live <br />streaming would be provided by staff for the Commission's consideration. He also reiterated <br />that he felt it was a priority for citizens to have access to information about the agenda items <br />prior to the meetings so they could better know what was being addressed at the meetings. <br />Vice Mayor Mark Busch - Seat No. 3: <br />• Stated he agreed with Commissioner Meadows' comments and also appreciated everyone's <br />feedback. He added that his concerns were related to any legal liabilities the City might face <br />if time was not taken to make sure it was done correctly. <br />Mayor Henson — Seat No. 5: <br />• Commented briefly on the issue of live streaming the meetings, noting that the City always had <br />to be cautious about how the taxpayers' money was used, and he believed the City would get <br />to that point, but it would take time to determine the best way to do it. <br />