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CASSCLBGRRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of April 12, 2021 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 13 of 15 <br />Park) zoning district, utilizing Article III within the City's Unified Land Development Regulations <br />(ULDR). If this item is approved by the City Commission, the applicant will submit additional documents <br />for review by staff and the DRC (Development Review Committee), and based on that review, staff will <br />bring recommendations to the City Commission for further action at a future meeting. <br />Budget Impact: There is no impact to the City Budget. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the Community Development Director recommended that the <br />City Commission vote to proceed with negotiations for a Development Agreement to rezone the <br />Summerloch Green property, located at 999 Mango Drive. <br />Audience Participation: No one came forward to address the City Commission regarding this item <br />MOTION: Commissioner Aramendia moved to approve proceeding with negotiations for <br />a Development Agreement to rezone the Summerloch Green property located <br />at 999 Mango Drive, as presented. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Busch. <br />Motion carried unanimously by voice vote 5-0. <br />13. CITIZENS' COMMENTS <br />Mayor Henson announced persons that wished to make comment or make inquiry on any matter not on the <br />agenda, may request to be recognized during Citizens' Comments. Mayor Henson announced the rules of <br />decorum. No one came forward. <br />14. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT <br />Public Works Director/Acting City Manager Mark Gisclar thanked staff for their assistance over the past <br />two weeks and reported that City Manager Newlon would be back in the office on Tuesday. <br />15. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT <br />City Attorney Katie Reischmarm briefly reported on legislation that was recently passed into law regarding <br />guidelines that local governments have to follow in order to avail themselves of limitations of liability <br />related to COVID 19 and also on a 1St DCA (District Court of Appeals) case related to individual <br />commissioner liability under the preemption of the firearms statute. <br />16. CITY CLERK'S REPORT <br />City Clerk Donna Gardner shared the following information: <br />• The City is partnering with Seminole County and the Seminole County Health Department to <br />provide a COVID vaccine site at the Recreation Center on Thursday, April 15"' from 9:30 a.m. <br />