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CASSGLBCRRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of January 11, 2021 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 9 of 14 <br />Manager, or his/her designee at 15,000 gallons or the average consumption for the past 12 months, <br />whichever is higher, for proven increased water consumption. City Manager Randy Newlon explained that <br />at the December 2020 regular City Commission meeting he had suggested that the City may also wish to <br />amend the adjustment policy to extend to unexplained or unintended sewer usage and to use the same cap <br />of 15,000 gallons or average consumption for the past 12 months as it is for proven increased water <br />consumption. The City Commission had expressed approval for moving forward with an ordinance to <br />include these amendments, and Mr. Newlon advised that Ordinance 21-1547 was being presented for <br />Commission consideration to make these changes. He added that staff had simply inserted the same <br />language and cap that was used for the known usage adjustments and applied them to unexplained excess <br />usage. <br />Budget Impact: There is no impact to the City Budget. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the Finance Director recommended approval of Ordinance 21- <br />1547 on first reading. <br />Audience Participation: No one came forward to address Ordinance 21-1547. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Aramendia moved to approve Ordinance 21-1547 on first <br />reading, as presented. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Busch. Motion <br />carried unanimously by voice vote 5-0. <br />11. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />No items were presented for consideration on this agenda. <br />12. OTHER ITEMS <br />A. Agreement with Fehr and Peers for the Winter Park Drive Complete Street and <br />Concept Development Study and Related Budget Amendment #21-016 <br />Staff Presentation: The agreement with Fehr and Peers, together with related Budget Amendment #21- <br />016, provides for professional services for the Winter Park Drive Complete Street and Concept <br />Development Study (Project PW 2020) in the amount not to exceed $299,889.45. (Ref. SOQ-2020-0619). <br />Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer Kelly Brock explained that in 2019 during MetroPlan <br />Orlando's normal project prioritization cycle the City had submitted a proposed study for Winter Park Drive <br />Complete Street Improvements to look at the entire corridor and MetroPlan funded the project for 2021. <br />The study is intended to take a holistic look at the entire north and south Winter Park Drive corridor from <br />the Red Bug Lake Road flyover to State Road 434, and would look mainly at opportunities for improved <br />bicycle/pedestrian safety and connectivity and comfort along the corridor in keeping with the City's <br />complete streets policy. It will also look at land use and possible future transit options which will <br />compliment work that has already been done or is already underway. Dr. Brock explained that ten <br />submittals were received for the study and Fehr and Peers was selected as the consultant, and that during <br />negotiations with Fehr and Peers the City also approved a Local Agency Program (LAP) agreement with <br />