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CASSCLBGRRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of December 14, 2020 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 15 of 22 <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the Community Development Director recommended adoption <br />of Ordinance 20-1546 on second and final reading. <br />Public Hearing: Public Hearing for Ordinance 20-1546 was combined with the Public Hearing for <br />Ordinance 20-1545 in the previous agenda item, Item 11.13 — Second Reading of Ordinance 10-1545. No <br />one came forward to address either ordinance. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Busch moved to adopt Ordinance 20-1546 on second and final <br />reading, as presented. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Aramendia. <br />Motion carried unanimously by voice vote 5-0. <br />12. OTHER ITEMS <br />A. General Employees Salary Adjustments for FY 2021 <br />Staff Presentation: City Manager Randy Newlon gave a brief overview of how the City's budget for <br />Fiscal Year 2021 was prepared taking into consideration the possible economic impacts of the COVID-19 <br />pandemic on the City's revenues. He explained that the proposed budget had included a 3% salary increase <br />for general employees, but the City Commission had determined that due to the uncertainty of the economy <br />they would support a 1'/2 % raise for general employees to be effective January 1, 2021, but were not <br />comfortable with 3%. However, the City Commission did agree to reconsider the issue at the December <br />14`x' meeting when there would possibly be more information available as to the economic impact of the <br />pandemic and the City's fiscal situation. Mr. Newlon then provided information that since the close of <br />Fiscal Year 2020, the detrimental effects of the recession caused by the pandemic were not as severe as <br />feared and in fact the general fund revenues were only down 2% and the water and sewer fun exceeded <br />revenue estimates by 2%, both funds being those that pay for 90% of the City's general employee salaries. <br />He added that so far in Fiscal Year 2021 revenues were either at or in excess of expectations which was <br />favorable news for the City's fiscal situation. He shared some data on economic predictions which boded <br />well for the City's continued fiscal wellbeing. The City conducted a survey of twenty-two of the <br />surrounding municipal governments as to whether or not they were providing increases for their general <br />employees. Most had approved raises of some level, and although some were still not providing raises, the <br />majority were authorizing 3%. He reminded the Commission that the City's police officers were covered <br />by a collective bargaining agreement which provided that the City would be committed to pay those <br />employees a 5% increase. At this time, the City Commission has only authorized a 1'/2 % salary increase <br />for the City's general employees, but he was requesting favorable consideration from the City Commission <br />at this time to increase the increase to the full 3% provided in the budget. <br />Budget Impact: There is no impact to the City Budget. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager recommended further discussion and direction regarding a final <br />determination on the percentage rate for General Employee salary increases for FY 2021. <br />Audience Participation: No one came forward to address the Commission regarding this item. <br />