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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of December 14, 2020 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 14 of 22 <br />COMMUNICATION FACILITIES; AMENDING PART III, UNIFIED LAND DEVELOPMENT <br />REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY CODE OF ORDINANCES BY AMENDING <br />SECTION 2-7.36, "COMMUNICATION TOWER, COMMUNICATION ANTENNA, AND <br />WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY REGULATIONS" WITHIN ARTICLE VII, <br />"GENERAL REGULATIONS" OF CHAPTER II, "DISTRICT AND GENERAL REGULATIONS" <br />TO UPDATE THESE SECTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH LEGISLATIVE CHANGES; AND <br />BY AMENDING SECTION 5-21.2, "DEFINITION OF TERMS" WITHIN ARTICLE XXI, <br />"LANGUAGE AND DEFINITIONS" OF CHAPTER V, "GLOSSARY" TO MOVE OR DELETE <br />CERTAIN DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY <br />AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE." <br />Notice of Public Hearing: The Notice of Public Hearing relative to Ordinance 20-1546 was advertised in <br />the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday, December 3, 2020. <br />Staff Presentation: Ordinance 20-1545 amends Chapter 68, Roadway and Utility Construction, Article <br />IV, Communications Rights -of -Way of the City Code of Ordinances and Ordinance 20-1546 amends <br />Section 2-7.36, Communication Tower, Communication Antenna, and Wireless Communication Facility <br />Regulations, and Section 5-21.2, Definition of Terms, of the Unified Land Development Regulations. City <br />Attorney Katie Reischmann explained that the proposed changes in the City Code and the City's Unified <br />Land Development Regulations were to address legislative changes that had been made relating to small <br />cell towers and related equipment giving cell service providers access to the City's rights-of-way and utility <br />and street light poles for installation of their equipment. In response to questions from the Commission, <br />Ms. Reischmann advised that Mr. Doug Metzger, a planner with the City of Orlando, was currently working <br />on changes to the legislation, and that the City of Orlando had been able to get the providers to agree to <br />install only poles that matched the surrounding poles. She added that some of the City's staff had met with <br />Mr. Metzger who had given suggestions on how to approach the providers and get the City involved in the <br />process. <br />Public Hearing: Mayor Henson stated this was a public hearing to hear and consider comments and <br />questions regarding both Ordinance 20-1545 and Ordinance 20-1546. Mayor Henson opened the floor for <br />public participation. No one came forward to address either Ordinance 20-1545 or Ordinance 20-1546. <br />Mayor Henson closed the public hearing relative to Ordinance 20-1545 and Ordinance 20-1546. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Busch moved to adopt Ordinance 20-1545 on second and final <br />reading, as presented. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Aramendia. <br />Motion carried unanimously by voice vote 5-0. <br />C. Second Reading of Ordinance 20-1546 — Amending Section 2-7.36, <br />Communication Tower, Communication Antenna and Wireless Communication <br />Facility Regulations, of the Unified Land Development Regulations LPA 20-05) <br />Reading of Ordinance 20-1546 by title only and staff presentation. for Ordinance 20-1546 was included <br />with the previous item, Agenda Iten1 II.B. - Second Reading of Ordinance 20-1546 at the City Attorney's <br />request. <br />Budget Impact: There is no impact to the City Budget. <br />