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CASSCLBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of January 27, 2020 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 11 of 13 <br />Mr. Newlon provided background on a matter concerning three properties which were owned by the <br />founder of the City of Casselberry and his family at 700 South Lost Lake Lane, also known as the <br />"Brightwater Estate". The property is divided into three parcels that combine to total approximately 13 <br />acres and the City had acquired 2 of the three parcels, one by purchase from the property owner and one <br />through a successful bid at a foreclosure sale. The remaining parcel is the one on which the family home <br />is located and features a James Gamble Rogers designed two-story home of approximately 7000 square feet <br />built in 1953. The property and home over the past several years has fallen into disrepair. The owner of <br />the property, Mr. John Casselberry, passed away unexpectedly in July of 2019, and the property was now <br />in the hands of his estate. Mr. Newlon reminded the City Commission that in 2017 the City Commission <br />had approved the Parks, Recreation, Pathways and Open Spaces Master Plan which identified that by 2040 <br />the City would experience a deficit in parkland of approximately 82 acres, and it was suggested that if <br />available, the City should pursue purchase of the "Brightwater Estate" to provide more lakefront access, <br />showcase the historical home of Hibbard Casselberry and provide additional acres of park land. He added <br />that the home and grounds were currently in a state of disrepair, but two independent appraisals had <br />determined that the most probable buyer for the property would be a developer or home builder and had <br />returned estimated values ranging from $1,050,000 to $1,505,000. He advised that the Estate had expressed <br />an interest in selling the remaining property to the City and he would be meeting tomorrow with the Personal <br />Representative of the Estate and the sole known heir to discuss whatever terms they might be seeking. <br />Mr. Newlon requested input and discussion from the City Commission, and guidance on how to proceed, <br />noting that over the years there had been considerable discussion about the future acquisition of the land <br />and home and the potential for either additional parkland for the City or restoration of the home into a <br />historic event center of some type, similar to Cypress Grove in Orange County and Casa Feliz, another <br />James Gamble Rogers home located in Winter Park. <br />Discussion: Discussion ensued regarding the possibility of acquiring the property, including: potential <br />purchase price; cost of restoration and maintenance; need for redirection of funds from other potential needs <br />for purchase of the property; potential for creation of a new park on the site should the home be determined <br />to be in such disrepair it could not be rehabilitated; potential for restoration as a historic site/events center <br />which could be a destination within the City; need for improvements to the grounds and securing of the <br />property for potentially years before plans could be accomplished for an event center; preference for <br />purchase of the property with no deed restrictions and arranging for payments over time to preserve fund <br />balance reserves; value of the land itself even if it would not be feasible to restore the home; concerns about <br />whether an event center would provide a true benefit to the citizens of Casselberry, as opposed to adding <br />additional park facilities; and the possibility that final decisions regarding plans for the property could be <br />made by a future City Commission due to the potentially lengthy process for rehabilitation of the home and <br />lands. <br />CONSENSUS: The City Commission agreed by consensus to direct the City Manager and <br />staff to continue investigation into the feasibility of purchasing the <br />"Brightwater Estate" property for future utilization by the City as either park <br />lands or an event center, and to continue to bring progress reports back to the <br />Commission for consideration. <br />