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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of January 27, 2020 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 12 of 13 <br />15. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT <br />No report. <br />16. CITY CLERK'S REPORT <br />Provided the following information regarding the upcoming Citizen Academy: <br />o The Academy will be kicked off in the Spring with a total of six sessions beginning <br />March 24"' with graduation being held on May 11`x'. <br />o Participants must be Casselberry residents. <br />o Participants must be 18 years of age or older. <br />o Participants cannot be currently serving on a City Board or Committee. <br />o Only one participant from each household will be allowed. <br />o Participants must be able to attend at least five of the six sessions. <br />Ms. Gardner added that, as mentioned earlier in the meeting, the goal was to engage citizens, let them learn <br />about the function of the City's government, and hopefully get them more civically involved. She advised <br />she will keep the City Commission updated on how things progress with the Academy, noting that <br />information has been put out on social media and the City's website about it. She also stated that as <br />mentioned earlier during Board appointments, she will reach out to those applicants who were not selected <br />to see if any of them would be interested in participating in the Academy. <br />17. CITY COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS/COMMENTS <br />Commissioner Anthony Aramendia - Seat No. 1: <br />No report. <br />Commissioner Andrew Meadows - Seat No. 2: <br />Congratulated Mayor Glancy on being selected to serve as the new Chair of the Mayors and <br />Managers Group. <br />Commissioner Mark Busch - Seat No. 3: <br />• Added his congratulations to Mayor Glancy. <br />• Expressed appreciation to the Police Department on the reduction in the crime rate from 2018 <br />to 2019 as shown in the statistics reported in the City Manager's Letter. <br />