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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of May 14, 2018 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 15 of 18 <br />law services and a request was being made for a rate adjustment from $265/hour to $280/hour effective <br />October 1, 2018. The proposed rate is well below the firm's private sector rates and at or below the fees <br />paid to the firm by other public sector clients. In response to a question from Vice Mayor Meadows, Mr. <br />Brooks advised that the last rate increase the City had approved for Fisher and Phillips was in 2015. <br />Audience Participation: No one came forward to address this item. <br />Budget Impact: Funds will be budgeted accordingly in City Attorney services account #001-0140-514.31- <br />01 for FY 2019 and future years. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the Human Resources & Risk Management Director <br />recommended approval of the City Labor Attorney rate adjustment as proposed. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Solomon moved to approve the City Labor Attorney rate <br />adjustment for services provided by the law firm Fisher and Phillips, LLP <br />from $265/hour to $280/hour effective October 1, 2018, as proposed. Motion <br />was seconded by Commissioner Hufford. Motion carried unanimously by <br />voice vote 5-0. <br />13. CITIZENS' COMMENTS <br />Mayor Glancy announced persons that wished to make comment or make inquiry on any matter not on the <br />agenda, may request to be recognized during Citizens' Comments. Mayor Glancy announced the rules of <br />decorum. The following individual came forward: <br />Ms. Laura Worrell, 182 Southcot Drive, stated she was happy to see the City newsletter <br />finally come to fruition and thought it looked amazing; however, she and her family, <br />friends and neighbors would like to see it also available in print and she asked that her <br />comments be passed along to the team in charge of the newsletter. <br />No one else came forward. <br />14. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT <br />A. Procurement Information Report for the Period April 1, 2018 through April 30, <br />2018 <br />Mr. Newlon advised that the Procurement Information Report for the month of April 2018 was contained <br />in the Commissioners' agenda packets for review. He noted that the report contained information about <br />minor contracts that were issued under delegated authority of staff during this period. <br />Reported that the second annual Kids -n -Cops Fishin' Derby had been held at Secret Lake <br />Park on Saturday, May 12ti' and asked Chief Krantz to share some of the highlights, which <br />he did. Chief Krantz expressed appreciation to all those who had provided support for the <br />