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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of March 27, 2017 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 9 of 12 <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the Community Development Director recommended approval of <br />the recommendations provided by the Review Committee. <br />Audience Participation: The following individual came forward to address the Award of 2016-2017 <br />Neighborhood Improvement Grants: <br />Ms. Colleen Hufford, 527 Queens Mirror Circle, expressed support for the Neighborhood <br />Improvement Grant program, and commended staff for their efforts in administering the <br />program. <br />No one else came forward to address Award of 2016-2017 Casselberry Neighborhood Improvement Grants. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Solomon moved to accept the recommendations of the Review <br />Committee for award of funds for the 2016-2017 Neighborhood Improvement <br />Grant Program, as contained in the Addendum 1 to Attachment A: List of <br />Applicants for 2016-2017 Neighborhood Improvement Grant Program. <br />Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Aramendia. <br />In response to a question from Commissioner Meadows, Mr. Newlon advised that a discussion about what to <br />do with the remaining balance of funds earmarked for the program could be held during his report later in the <br />meeting. <br />Motion carried unanimously by voice vote 5-0. <br />13. CITIZENS' COMMENTS <br />Mayor Glancy announced persons that wished to make comment or make inquiry on any matter not on the <br />agenda, may request to be recognized during Citizens' Comments. Mayor Glancy announced the rules of <br />decorum. The following individuals came forward: <br />1. Mr. Dan Hale, 325 Southcot Drive, complimented the City on how well the golf course was <br />now looking, but expressed concerns that the greens were being mowed too early in the <br />morning and the noise was having a detrimental effect on the adjacent residents. <br />2. Ms. Laura Hatton, 3 02 Triplet Lake Drive, expressed concerns about the access hours having <br />been changed to 10:00 p.m. for the park area at the end of Triplet Lake Drive, and as an <br />adjacent resident, she would request that the park closing time be changed back to dusk. <br />3. Ms. Colleen Hufford, 527 Queens Mirror Circle, agreed with Ms. Hatton's comments and <br />also voiced concerns about the up -lighting in the newly landscaped area at the end of Triplet <br />Lake Drive, stating she believed the lighting to be inconsistent with the other City parks and <br />with City Code. <br />No one else came forward. <br />