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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of Alarch 27, 2017 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 11 of 12 <br />No report. <br />Commissioner Andrew Meadows — Seat No. 2 <br />• Requested that staff look into Mr. Hale's concerns about mowing times at the golf course which were <br />brought up in Citizens Comments. <br />• Stated that he felt the issue brought up in Citizens Comments by Ms. Hatton regarding lighting and the <br />hours of access to the "park" at the end of Triplet Lake Drive between the two residences should be re- <br />addressed. <br />Discussion: Discussion ensued regarding whether the area was actually a park, a road, a boat ramp or a right- <br />of-way; what improvements had been made to the site; concerns from residents about public access to the site <br />after dark; and possible solutions to the lighting and access schedules for the area. <br />Commended Mr. Newlon on conducting a thorough and deliberate search for a new Community <br />Development Director and congratulated Mr. Randy Woodruff on his appointment to the position. <br />Discussion: Additional lengthy discussion ensued regarding the issue of lighting and access to the "park" area <br />at the end of Triplet Lake Drive between the two residences, including whether or not there was still a publicly <br />accessible boat ramp at the site; whether the location was an actual linear or pocket park; whether adjustments <br />needed to be made to the lighting and access schedules for the site; what the City Code states relative to park <br />hours and lighting and the possibility of a need for an amendment to the Code; safety concerns ofthe residents <br />adjacent to the site; possible solutions for deterring after-hours access to the site; enforceability of"park hours" <br />at the site; whether or not there are restrictions or prohibitions to up -lighting in the City Code; and whether or <br />not the area was a park or actually a platted roadway. Mr. Newlon advised he and staff would research the <br />issues brought to light by the Commission during the discussion. <br />Commissioner Bill Hufford — Seat No. 4: <br />• Stated he was in support of Commissioner Meadows' concerns about the mowing times at the golf <br />course and agreed staff should look into the matter. <br />• Expressed kudos to the Community Development and Public Works Departments and all the <br />volunteers who were involved in the Lakes District Cleanup on Saturday, March 25, 2017. <br />• Congratulated Community Development Director Randy Woodruff on his appointment to the <br />permanent position. <br />• Reported he had attended the Tri -County League of Cities meeting on Thursday, March 16, 2017 at <br />which information about Zika mosquitos was presented. <br />