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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of July 25, 2016 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 13 of 17 <br />their product. <br />Discussion: Additional discussion ensued regarding cost sharing, possible waiver or reduction of impact fees, <br />or giving of some type of incentives. Mr. Newlon advised that the City Commission could not make any <br />decisions at this meeting regarding incentives, cost sharing or waiver of impact fees, but if the Commission <br />wished to support CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) consideration of any of these options, a CRA <br />meeting could be noticed for a future date. He clarified for Mr. Brown and Mr. Haugdahl that the site was <br />within the City's community redevelopment district and the City Commission served as the Community <br />Redevelopment Agency which made decisions regarding utilizing CRA funds for development incentives of <br />this nature. However, since tonight's meeting was not a noticed CRA meeting, no decisions could be made at <br />this time and no promises made. <br />Mr. Newlon then asked for clarification on the pending motion and whether any amendments needed to be <br />made to include the wall. <br />City Attorney Katie Reischmann advised that the project was at a very technical state of development and <br />everything had already been decided on the site plan which was being presented for approval. She stated that <br />at this point what was needed was just to check to see whether the proposed plan meets City Code. She added <br />that what the Commission was now asking was for the applicant to go beyond the Code requirements, which <br />could get the City into trouble under the new Florida Statute governing this, so she advised the Commission to <br />be cautious in drafting any motion to amend to ensure it did not sound like a violation of the statutes. <br />In response to questions from Commissioner Meadows, Mr. Brown advised he was 100% confident the <br />applicant could move forward on the purchase of the site with the concept that the wall would be defined at a <br />later time. He noted that he understood that any cost sharing measures would have to be determined, and that <br />cost bids and specifications would take time. He stated that the overall premise was the site plan itself and not <br />necessarily the wall, so if they could just get some reasonable assurances that the site plan was approved he felt <br />they would be okay to close on the property. Mr. Newlon asked for clarification if he was referring to the site <br />plan being approved with the provision that the applicant would work with staffto develop a wall concept, and <br />Mr. Brown concurred. <br />Commissioner Solomon and Commissioner Aramendia withdrew their earlier <br />motion and second, respectively, to approve Development of Community <br />Impact Site Plan — Culvers Restaurant Located at Cambridge Oaks Shopping <br />Center (SPR 16-10), subject to the eight (8) conditions recommended by staff in <br />the staff report dated July 13 2016, as presented. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Aramendia moved to approve Development of Community <br />Impact Site Plan — Culvers Restaurant Located at Cambridge Oaks Shopping <br />Center (SPR 16-10), subject to the following eight (8) conditions recommended <br />by staff in the staff report dated July 13, 2016: <br />1. DRC comments, from the May 12, 2016 meeting shall be addressed <br />prior to City Commission review; <br />2. All utility lines shall be placed underground (Section 3-10.2(4)). <br />3. All Public Works issues must be addressed prior to issuance of a site <br />
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