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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of July 25, 2016 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 12 of 17 <br />Impact Site Plan — Culvers Restaurant Located at Cambridge Oaks Shopping Center (SPR 16-10): <br />1. Mr. Bob Buckley, 239 Lake Ellen Drive, distributed aerial photographs and copies of the site <br />plan and renderings of the proposed development area to the Commission through the City <br />Clerk and expressed concerns about various issues with the site, including noise and lighting <br />nuisance issues and trash pickup. He stated he felt using hedges and landscaping as a buffer <br />would not fix these issues and suggested that a wall would be the beast solution and he would <br />be in favor of that. <br />2. Ms. Brenda Monger, 15 Plumosa Avenue, spoke in opposition to approval of the site plan for <br />Culvers Restaurant (SPR 16-10), citing that over 90 petitions were signed by residents in <br />opposition. She stated that lighting, noise and traffic nuisance issues would negatively impact <br />the residential communities along Plumosa Avenue and the possibility of any future sale of <br />properties in the area. <br />3. Mr. John Casselberry, 700 South Lost Lake Lane expressed concerns about old rumors that <br />there may have been a cemetery in the development area and suggested using ground <br />penetrating radar to determine whether there were any issues. <br />No one else came forward. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Solomon moved to approve Development of Community <br />Impact Site Plan — Culvers Restaurant Located at Cambridge Oaks <br />Shopping Center (SPR 16-10), subject to the eight (8) conditions <br />recommended by staff in the staff report dated July 13, 2016. Motion <br />was seconded by Commissioner Aramendia. <br />Discussion: A lengthy discussion ensued between the City Commission, staff, and the two representatives for <br />the applicant who were in attendance, Mr. Keith Haugdahl, 2024 Newman Street, Orlando, and Mr. Zach <br />Brown, 502 East Henschen Avenue, Oakland, regarding various issues and concerns about the proposed site <br />plan and project, including: location of the dumpster; possible construction of wall or fencing along Plumosa <br />Avenue; landscaping and lighting issues; citizen concerns regarding traffic, nuisance lighting and noise; <br />possible cost-sharing options for a wall; possible funding through CRA; maintenance of a wall vs. landscaping; <br />feasibility of a masonry wall vs. PVC fencing; residents' concerns and approval of the proposed restaurant; <br />developer friendly vs. protection of citizens; possibility of incentives or mitigation of costs for a wall and <br />necessary procedures for waiver or reduction of impact fees as incentive; amount of impact fees for this <br />development; elevations for the restaurant site and adjacent roadway and residences; types of landscaping and <br />hedge options for buffering light and sound from the residences; potential cost of a wall based on linear feet <br />needed for buffer; issues with noise related to pick up of dumpster trash; Cambridge Oaks' objection to <br />relocation of the dumpster and the need for their approval of the site plan; number and timing of deliveries <br />each week and restaurant hours; proposed location of Culvers' dumpster in relation to Cambridge Oaks' <br />dumpster and impact on customers and business; access to the site from US Highway 17-92; increase in traffic <br />and negative impact on residential; and the importance of keeping the integrity of residential neighborhoods <br />intact and respecting the residents. <br />In response to questions from Mr. Newlon, applicant's representatives, Mr. Brown and Mr. Haugdahl, <br />indicated that they needed a definitive answer from the City as to approval of the site plan at this meeting in <br />order to proceed with closing on the property; otherwise, they felt the property may not be the best location for <br />