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CC 07/25/2016 Minutes
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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of July 25, 2016 —Regular Meeting <br />Page 11 of 17 <br />A. Development of Community Impact Site Plan — Culvers Restaurant Located at <br />Cambridge Oaks Shopping Center (SPR 16-10) <br />Staff Presentation: Interim Community Development Director Randy Woodruff presented an overview, <br />stating that this item was a request for consideration of a Development of Community Impact Site Plan to <br />develop a 4,000 square foot fast casual restaurant on the one acre outparcel of Cambridge Oaks Shopping <br />Center located at the southwest corner of US Highway 17-92 and Plumosa Avenue. He advised that the <br />subject property currently has a Major Thoroughfare Mixed Use (MTMU) land use designation and a zoning <br />designation of CG (Commercial) and that the property also was within the City's Community Redevelopment <br />District. <br />Mr. Woodruff explained that the proposed restaurant would have outdoor seating and associated parking and <br />landscaping that would meet City regulations, and that the primary entrance would be off US Highway 17-92 <br />with additional accessibility from both Plumosa and Concord Avenues. Mr. Woodruff further explained that <br />the applicant had provided building elevations which were consistent with the City's redevelopment district <br />standards. He then utilized a PowerPoint presentation with renderings of the project to explain the proposed <br />proj ect in more detail. He advised that the Planning and Zoning Commission had unanimously recommended <br />approval of the proposed site plan (SPR 16-10) with the inclusion of three additional items which were <br />included in the agenda packet. <br />In response to a question from Commissioner Hufford, Mr. Woodruff advised he did not have information <br />about the original purpose behind the no left turn sign from US Highway 17-92 onto Plumosa Avenue, but felt <br />it was probably to somewhat limit traffic onto the residential street. In response to another question from <br />Commissioner Hufford, Mr. Woodruff advised that shrubs and trees were required landscaping on the site plan <br />which would act as a buffer between the site and the residential areas across Plumosa Avenue. He advised that <br />staff had worked with the applicant and the applicant was very open to requests for additional landscaping on <br />the north boundary given the proximity to residences. He added that a noise study had even been asked for in <br />reference to the location of the speaker box, including decibel levels, to ensure there was no negative impact on <br />the neighbors to the north, which was above and beyond what was actually required. Commissioner Hufford <br />stated she felt the City needed to be aggressive in shielding the adjacent neighborhoods from all the activity <br />which would be occurring at the proposed establishment. In response to a question from Commissioner <br />Meadows, Mr. Woodruff advised that as a result of the traffic study that was done, expectations were that there <br />would be four vehicles in and four vehicles out onto Plumosa Avenue during peak business hours. <br />Budget Impact: There is no impact to the City Budget. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the Acting Community Development Director recommended <br />approval for SPR 16-10, A Development of Community Impact site plan for the Culvers restaurant. This <br />recommendation is based on the revised site plan dated June 28, 2016, the findings of fact and conclusions of <br />the information provided in the Planning and Zoning Commission staff report dated July 13, 2016 and subject <br />to the outstanding conditions of approval provided by the Planning and Zoning Commission. <br />Audience Participation: The following individuals came forward to address the Development of Community <br />
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