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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of June 27, 2016 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 11 of 16 <br />Ordinance 16-1446 on first reading. <br />Audience Participation: No one came forward to address Ordinance 16-1446. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Meadows moved to approve Ordinance 16-1446 on first reading, <br />as presented. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Aramendia. <br />Discussion: Lengthy discussion ensued regarding issues related to conversion from hotels to condominiums; <br />feasibility of prohibiting studio/efficiency apartments; proposed minimum size of one -bedroom apartments; <br />minimum size requirements in the cities for which comparisons were made; minimum size requirements in the <br />Lake Concord Overlay District vs. other areas of the City; recommended sizes for the two and three bedroom <br />apartment units; amenities offered in the units; preference for minimums of 700 square feet for one -bedroom, <br />1000 square feet for two-bedroom and 1200 square feet for three-bedroom units; parking ratio parking space <br />size requirements; and whether or not to amend current motion or move for continuance of this agenda item. <br />Commissioner Meadows withdrew the motion to approve Ordinance 16-1446 <br />on first reading, as presented. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Meadows moved to continue Agenda Item 10.13— First Reading <br />of Ordinance 16-1446 — Amendments to ULDRs Regarding PMX-MID and <br />PMS -HIGH Zoning Districts to the regular Commission meeting of July 11, <br />2016. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Hufford. Motion carried <br />unanimously by voice vote 5-0. <br />C. Ordinance 16-1447 — Amendments to the City Code Regarding Group Homes <br />The City Clerk read Ordinance 16-1447 by title as follows: <br />"AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CITY CODE <br />OF ORDINANCES, PART III, UNIFIED LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS SECTION 2-5.3, <br />LAND USE BY DISTRICT; AMENDING SECTION 2-7.19, GROUP HOMES AND FOSTER CARE <br />FACILITIES; AND AMENDING SECTION 5-21.2 GLOSSARY, PROVIDING FOR <br />CODIFICATION, CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, AND EFFECTIVE DATE." <br />Staff Presentation: Development Services Manager Randy Woodruff gave an overview of Ordinance 16- <br />1447, explaining that the proposed ordinance would amend language in the City Unified Land Development <br />Regulations (ULDR) relative to group homes should it be adopted. He advised that group homes and foster <br />care facilities were regulated by the Unified Land Development Regulations Chapter 11 Section 2-7.19 and on <br />the state level by Florida Statutes Chapter 419. He stated that the amendments were necessary as the City's <br />Code had been found to be outdated as a result of changes relating to group homes which were made during <br />the 2016 legislative session. The proposed amendments include the following changes: <br />Amendment to Table 2-5.3 Land Use by District to allow Community Residential Homes <br />(CRH) 7-14 residents as a permitted use within the PRD (Planned Residential Development), <br />PMX-L (Planned Mixed -Use: Low Intensity/Medium Density Residential), PMX-MID <br />(Planned Mixed -Use: Medium Rise) and PMX-HIGH (Planned Mixed- Use: High -Rise) <br />