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CASSELBERRX CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of January 26, 2015 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 12 of 20 <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the Community Development Director recommended adoption of <br />Ordinance 14 -1413. <br />Public Hearing: Mayor Glancy opened the public hearing relative to Ordinance 14 -1413. The following <br />individuals came forward: <br />1. Mr. James Fraleigh, 23 Teresa Court, voiced opposition to Ordinance 14 -1413 noting that he <br />felt there were more important issues for the Commission to address rather than the purchase <br />and development of property, such as safety and traffic issues. <br />2. Mr. John Casselberry, 700 South Lost Lake Lane, expressed concerns about additional <br />restrictions to development of the property, and shared his opinion that additional soil testing <br />was needed on the site prior to further expenditures being made towards development. <br />No one else came forward. Mayor Glancy closed the public hearing relative to Ordinance 14 -1413. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Meadows moved to adopt Ordinance 14 -1413 on second and <br />final reading, as presented. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Solomon. <br />Discussion: Commissioner Hufford gave a brief overview ofthe history ofthe development plans for the Lake <br />Concord Park project site and pointed out the positive economic impact of the project which is now proposed. <br />Mr. Newlon added some additional points regarding the purpose of creation of the overlay district in terms of <br />keeping the development of the property in line with the Commission's adopted "Guiding Principles" and <br />vision for the project. <br />Motion carried unanimously by voice vote 5 -0. <br />B. Second Reading of Ordinance 14 -1414 — Amendment to the Unified Land <br />Development Regulations (LPA 14 -08) and Official Zoning Map (ZB 14 -02) to <br />include the Lake Concord Overlay District <br />The City Clerk read Ordinance 14 -1414 by title as follows: <br />"AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA, AMENDING ARTICLE VII <br />"GENERAL REGULATIONS" OF THE CITY'S UNIFIED LAND DEVELOPMENT <br />REGULATIONS TO ADD SECTION 2 -7.32, "LAKE CONCORD OVERLAY DISTRICT <br />STANDARDS ", TO ESTABLISH DESIGN STANDARDS; AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING <br />MAP, AS ESTABLISHED IN ARTICLE IV, SECTION 2 -4.3, AS AMENDED AND <br />SUPPLEME NTED, TO ADD THE "LAKE CONCORD OVERLAY DISTRICT" TO INCLUDE THE <br />PARCELS DESCRIBED IN SECTION I OF THIS ORDINANCE; AMENDING ARTICLE XXI, <br />SECTION 5- 21.2., "DEFINITION OF TERMS," TO ADD ASSOCIATED DEFINITIONS; AND <br />PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE." <br />Notice of Public Hearing: The Notice of Public Hearing for second and final reading of Ordinance 14 -1414 <br />was published in the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday, January 15, 2015. <br />