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CASSELBERRY CITY CONIMISSION <br />Minutes of January 26, 2015 — Regular Meeting <br />Page B of 20 <br />Staff Presentation: Planner Marie Regan gave a presentation outlining the proposed amendments to the <br />Unified Land Development Regulations (ULDR) and the City's Official Zoning Map to include the Lake <br />Concord Overlay District. She gave a brief overview of various design standards which were developed for the <br />Lake Concord Overlay District in accordance with the City Commission's adopted "Guiding Principles" for the <br />development and expansion of the City -owned properties located around the City Hall complex and Lake <br />Concord Park, and advised that notice was provided to the surrounding property owners in accordance with <br />Florida Statutes. She further advised that the Commission had approved Ordinance 14 -1414 on fast reading at <br />its January 12, 2015 meeting and staff was recommending adoption on second and final reading. <br />Budget Impact: There is no impact to the City Budget. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the Community Development Director recommended adoption of <br />Ordinance 14 -1414 for the addition of the Lake Concord Overlay District Standards to the Unified Land <br />Development Regulations and associated amendment to the City of Casselberry's Official Zoning Map, <br />Public Hearing: Mayor Glancy opened the public hearing relative to Ordinance 144414. The following <br />individual came forward: <br />Mr. James Fraleigh, 23 Teresa Coma, voiced opposition to Ordinance 14 -1414. <br />During Mr. Fraleigh's comments, Mayor Glancy requested that he not be repetitive and Mr. Fraleigh expressed <br />displeasure with the interruption, stating that he believed his right to freedom of speech was being violated and <br />he should be allowed to continue with his comments. Mayor Glancy informed Mr. Fraleigh that his time was <br />up and directed him to return to his seat. Mr. Fraleigh again expressed displeasure and stated he felt the <br />interruptions to be harassment directed at him and he wished to continue his comments. Mayor Glancy again <br />instructed him to return to his seat and noted that an officer was present to escort him. Mr. Fraleigh then <br />complied and returned to his seat as instructed. <br />No one else came forward. Mayor Glancy closed the public hearing relative to Ordinance 14 -1414. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Aramendia moved to adopt Ordinance 14 -1414 on second and <br />final reading, as presented. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Solomon. <br />Motion carried unanimously by voice vote 5 -0. <br />C. Resolution 15 -2692 — Update to the Casselbeny Community Redevelopment Agency <br />Redevelopment Plan <br />The City Clerk read Resolution 15 -2692 by title as follows: <br />"A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA, <br />RELATING TO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT, APPROVING AN UPDATE TO THE <br />REDEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CASSELBERRY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT <br />AGENCY, CONTINGENT UPON APPROVAL OF A TIME EXTENSION BY THE SEMINOLE <br />COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, CONSISTENT WITH SECTION 163.362, <br />FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE <br />DATE." <br />