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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of January 25,2016 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 10 of 16 <br />Motion was seconded by Commissioner Solomon. Motion carried unanimously <br />by voice vote 5 -0. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Solomon moved to appoint Nancy Valentine as a regular <br />member for a first full term to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board, <br />effective to January 31, 2018. Motion was seconded by Commissioner <br />Aramendia. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote 5 -0. <br />City Clerk Donna Gardner advised that all applications for individuals for both the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board would be kept on file for the remainder of the <br />calendar year and would be resubmitted automatically for Commission consideration in the event of any <br />vacancies. <br />C. Charter Review Committee Final Report and Recommendation <br />Staff Presentation: City Clerk Donna Gardner gave a brief overview of the Charter review process, including <br />establishment of the committee by resolution, selection of the members and the meeting process. She noted <br />that the selected committee members had done an outstanding job and the process had gone smoothly. She <br />advised that the Committee had used the Model City Charter as a guide, but that the members had also brought <br />valuable input to the process. <br />Ms. Gardner stated that the requested process for this agenda item would be for the Commission to formally <br />accept the Charter Review Committee's Final Report, which would have the effect of completing the <br />Committee's task and sunsetting the Committee. She advised that the next step would then be for the <br />Commission to discuss the recommendations in the report, come to a consensus and give direction to the City <br />Attorney on which items, if any, to bring forth to the Voters by placement on a ballot, which would be done by <br />ordinance. <br />Budget Impact: This item has no budget impact. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager, City Attorney and City Clerk recommended acceptance of the Charter <br />Review Committee's Final Report. Consideration of the Charter Review Committee's recommendations for <br />amendments to the City Charter is also requested. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Aramendia moved to accept the Final Report of the Charter <br />Review Committee. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Solomon. Motion <br />carried unanimously by voice vote 5 -0. <br />City Attorney Katie Reischmann recognized the members of the Committee: Ms. Shannon Campbell, Mr. <br />Tony Tizzio, Ms. Ana Van Meter; Ms. Nicki D'Amato and Ms. Nancy Valentine, and added to Ms. Gardner's <br />earlier comments that they had been an outstanding group with creative suggestions and wonderful <br />wordsmithing for the titles and questions. <br />Discussion: Ms. Reischmann gave an overview of each of the proposed amendments contained in the Charter <br />Review Committee's Final Report. A lengthy discussion then ensued amongst the Commissioners, City <br />