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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of January 25, 2016 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 11 of 16 <br />Attorney and City Clerk regarding each item in the Final Report including wording of the titles, ballot question <br />language and implementation strategies, and agreement was reached on slight revisions to some of the <br />recommended questions and titles. <br />CONSENSUS: THE COMMISSION AGREED BY CONSENSUS TO PROCEED <br />WITH THE FOLLOWING PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT <br />BALLOT QUESTIONS AND TO DIRECT THE CITY ATTORNEY <br />TO PREPARE THE APPROPRIATE ORDINANCE TO BRING <br />BACK TO THE COMMISSION FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION: <br />Section 4.02 <br />HOUSEKEEPING <br />Shall Article IV, Section 4.02 be amended to eliminate the obsolete portion that provided the transition <br />language when the City Commission switched to four year terms in 2000? <br />YES for approval ❑ <br />NO for rejection ❑ <br />In response to direction ftom the Commission, Ms. Reischmann indicated that the revisions to the actual <br />Charter language for this section would include clarification that Commission Seats 4 and 5 would be elected <br />on the presidential election cycle, and Commission Seats 1, 2 and 3 would be elected on the gubernatorial <br />election cycle, which would also be a housekeeping issue so the title and question could remain the same. <br />Section 4.05 <br />AMEND CASSELBERRY CHARTER TO CLARIFY TIME FOR ELECTION OF VICE MAYOR <br />Shall Article IV, Section 4.05 of the City Charter of the City of Casselberry be amended to clarify that <br />the vice mayor will be elected annually by the City Commission at the first regular City Commission meeting <br />in December, which will be after the City elections? <br />YES for approval ❑ <br />NO for rejection ❑ <br />Section 6.03: <br />REPEAL SECTION 6.03 AS UNNECESSARY SINCE POLICE DEPARTMENT IS <br />ESTABLISHED, AND DUE TO FIRE CONSOLIDATION <br />