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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of November 12, 2013 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 9 of 16 <br />Budget Impact: The grant proceeds in the amount of $17,688 were budgeted in the fiscal year Budget for <br />2013 -14. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and Police Chief recommend acceptance of the grant proceeds for the <br />purchase of three (3) in -car video camera systems in the amount of $17,688. <br />Audience Participation: The following individual carne forward to address the Consent Agenda: <br />Mr. John Casselberty, 700 South Lost Lake Lane, expressed some concerns about drainage <br />issues relating to one of the parcels proposed to be declared as surplus. <br />MOTION: Vice Mayor Solomon moved to approve the Consent Agenda, as presented. <br />Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fry. Motion carried unanimously by <br />voice vote 5 -0. <br />8. DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />A. Future A .Renda Items <br />No items were presented for consideration. <br />B. Municipal Advisory Committee (Metro plan) Report — Mayor Glancy <br />Reported there was only one action item which involved an amendment to the project list to include a new left <br />tun lane in Oviedo, and there was also discussion about some options for relief of traffic congestion. <br />C. Leadership Seminole Board Report — Mayor Glancy <br />Reported the actual board meeting would be held next week, but she had attended one ofthe leadership classes <br />last week which focused on economic development. She added that a presentation was made by Seminole <br />County Economic Development Director Tom Tomerlin which touched on target areas for economic <br />development; county statistics and demographics; and an overview of the planned sports complex near the <br />airport. She also shared her experience of taking tours of a local business and the Environmental Center. <br />D. MayoEs/Managers Group Report — Mayor Glancy <br />No report. <br />