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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of November 12, 2013 —Regular Meeting <br />Page 10 of 16 <br />K. Council of Local Governments in Seminole County(CALNO) Report — <br />Commissioner Hufford <br />Reported that the meeting was held at Seminole State College and the program focused on the planned <br />educational facility in the State Road 436 and State Road 434 area in Altamonte Springs. She noted that the <br />facility will be about 1.5 million square feet of space that will be used for innovative educational programs. <br />F. Seminole County Redevelopment Planning Agency Report — Vice Mayor Solomon <br />Reported that there were seven new projects planned for the Highway 17 -92 corridor and she expected there <br />would be discussion about the projects at the meeting scheduled for next week. <br />9. RESOLUTIONS <br />No items were presented for consideration on this agenda. <br />10. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES <br />A. Ordinance 13 -1399 — Electronic Filing of Campaign Finance Reports <br />The City Clerk read Ordinance 13 -1399 by title as follows: <br />"AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, <br />ARTICLE II, SECTION 2 -35 (t), ELECTION PROCEDURES, OF THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY <br />CODE OF ORDINANCES; ELIMINATING THE REQUIREMENT FOR FILING PAPER <br />CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS WITH THE CITY CLERK; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, <br />SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE." <br />Presentation: City Clerk Donna Gardner explained that Ordinance 13 -1399 provided for eliminating the <br />requirement for paper campaign finance reports. She further explained that new legislation which was adopted <br />in spring of this year had essentially doubled the number of reports required for any person running for office, <br />effective November 1, 2013. She advised that in 2009 the City had implemented a requirement for candidates <br />to file electronic reports in addition to the paper reports, and stated that process had been going well to this <br />point. She explained that this ordinance was being submitted for consideration as an effort to streamline the <br />process. She added that the requirement for electronic filing was already a mandate for candidates running for <br />state and multi - county offices, and would eventually also be mandated for municipal and local offices. She <br />advised that, if approved, this ordinance would be brought back for second reading at the December 13, 2013 <br />meeting and would become effective prior to the end of the calendar year. She stated she was available for any <br />questions the Commission may have. <br />