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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of November 12, 2013 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 11 of 16 <br />Audience participation: <br />Mr. John Casselberty, 700 South Lost Lake Lane, spoke in opposition to Ordinance 13 -1399, <br />citing concerns about verification of electronic signatures. <br />Mr. James Fraleigh, 23 Teresa Court, also spoke in opposition to Ordinance 13 -1399, stating <br />that requiring only electronic reporting would present a hardship on candidates not having a <br />computer, and that even with electronic filing, he felt the paper reports should be kept as a <br />backup. <br />No one else came forward. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Hufford moved to approved Ordinance 13 -1399 on first reading, <br />as presented. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Solomon. Motion carried <br />unanimously by voice vote 5 -0. <br />At 4:54 p.m. Mayor Glancy inquired whether the Commission desired to proceed with Items 12 and 14 -17, and <br />come back to Item 11, Public Hearings in order to accommodate the advertised 5:00 p.m. public hearing time, <br />followed by Item 13, Citizen Comments. <br />CONSENSUS: The Commission agreed by consensus to proceed with Agenda Items 12 and 14- <br />17, followed by Items 11 and 13. <br />12. OTHER ITEMS <br />A. Annual Selection of Vice Maw <br />MOTION: Commissioner Aramendia moved to select Commissioner Colleen Hufford to <br />serve as Vice Mayor. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fry. Motion <br />carried unanimously by voice vote 5 -0. <br />14. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT <br />• Praised staff for the success of the first Annual Craft Beer & Blues Festival. <br />• Gave an update on negotiations with the golf course owners regarding possible acquisition ofthe golf <br />course. <br />• Reminded the Commission that a workshop regarding the City Center project was scheduled for <br />Monday, December 2, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. <br />• Briefly reported on the actuary report for the last year which he had received earlier today and which <br />was presented at the Police Officers' & Firefighters' Pension Board meeting. He advised that there <br />was a 15% return on investment growth, which was very good, and that the City had achieved 97% of <br />the funding target, as opposed to 87% last year, which was extraordinary. He added that he was very <br />happy with the way the funds were being managed for the City. <br />