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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of November 12, 2013 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 12 of 16 <br />• Advised that the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) would be meeting on Thursday, <br />November 14, 2013, and would be hearing from a consultant who is developing a proposal for <br />extending the CRA for 10 years. He added that if the proposal is acceptable, it will be forwarded to <br />the Commission with a request that it be approved by resolution and routed to the County. <br />15. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT <br />• Reported that oral argument was held last week on the red light camera case, and it appeared that two <br />of the three justices were going to rule that the ordinances the cities passed were preempted by state <br />law. <br />16. CITY CLERK'S REPORT <br />• Advised there would be no Commission on November 25, 2013, and the next regular Commission was <br />scheduled for Monday, December 9, 2013. <br />At 5:07 p.m. Mayor Glancy announced for the record that the Commission would now proceed with <br />consideration of Agenda Item 11, Public Hearings. <br />11. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />A. Second Reading of Ordinance 13- 1397 — Amending Article 1, Sections 62-2001,62 <br />2005, 62 -2006, and 62 -2009 of the Police Officers' and Fireflahters' Pension Plan <br />The City Clerk read Ordinance 13 -1397 by title as follows: <br />"AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 62, <br />PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT, ARTICLE 1, POLICE OFFICERS' AND FIREFIGHTERS' <br />PENSION PLAN, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY; <br />AMENDING SECTION 62 -2001, DEFINITIONS; AMENDING SECTION 62 -2005, <br />CONTRIBUTIONS; AMENDING SECTION 62 -2006, BENEFIT AMOUNTS AND ELIGIBILITY; <br />AMENDING SECTION 62 -2009, VESTING; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING <br />FOR SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT <br />HEREWITH AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE." <br />Notice of Public Hearing: The Notice of Public Hearing for Ordinance 13 -1397 was advertised in the <br />Orlando Sentinel on Thursday, October 31, 2013. <br />Ordinance 13 -1397 provides for amendments to the Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension Plan. Recent <br />amendments to the police and fire union contracts have created a need to change several sections of the current <br />