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CC Minutes 07/08/2013
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2013 City Commission Minutes
CC Minutes 07/08/2013
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10/4/2013 2:23:42 PM
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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of July 8, 2013 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 14 of 15 <br />• Congratulated Commissioner Hufford for being selected as the Home Rule Hero. <br />Commissioner Gene Fry — Seat No. 2: <br />• Congratulated Commissioner Hufford and City Attorney Katie Reischmann on the recognitions they <br />had received. <br />• Reiterated his concerns about the City of Casselberry's exclusion from the information being <br />presented about SunRail. <br />• Shared concerns about sidewalk/pedestrian /bicycle safety issues he observed in the area of the Red <br />Bug Lake Road flyover construction near Kewannee Trail, and the possibility of similar issues when <br />construction begins on the U. S. Highway 17 -92 /SR 43 6 flyover. Mr. Gisclar stated he understood his <br />concerns and would do what he could to suggest that these issues be addressed; however, he explained <br />that both projects were being built according to FDOT standards and any input the City had was <br />strictly related to landscaping and enhancements affecting appearance only. <br />• Stated he would like the Commission to be advised when an employee was injured as a result of <br />training or other mishap so they could extend best wishes for the employee's recovery. Mr. Newlon <br />stated he understood Commissioner Fly's concerns but he would need to look into whether there were <br />possible HIPAA issues that could arise. <br />Commissioner Colleen Hufford — Seat No. 4: <br />• Advised that the Florida League of Cities was looking for local officials to serve on several of their <br />legislative policy committees and it was a good way to get involved and gain an understanding of <br />proposed legislation if any of the Commissioners were interested. <br />• Inquired about the possibility of a workshop to discuss ideas about the City Center. She suggested <br />providing talking points to the City Manager prior to the meeting. Ms. Reischmann cautioned that <br />they could be given to the City Manager, but he would not be able to compile a list; he would just <br />have to bring the points to the meeting for discussion to avoid any issue with the Sunshine Laws. <br />• Suggested the Commission may wish to have a roundtable discussion with Representatives Brodeur, <br />Castor Dentel and Clelland, as a proactive measure to inform them about current issues impacting the <br />Casselberry. Each of the Commissioners felt this was a good idea, and it would also help towards <br />building good relationships with the legislators. It was also suggested that Senator David Simmons <br />should be invited. Commissioner Hufford suggested it should be in August or September after budget <br />time, but prior to the beginning of the legislative sessions. She stated she would get with Mr. Newlon <br />to try and coordinate a date and work on an agenda. <br />• Commended Friends of the Park on the project around Secret Lake with the boulders and the bald <br />cypress. She suggested that possibly the Commission may wish to recognize Friends of the Park and <br />Hands on Orlando for their work. <br />• Commended Ms. Reischmann on being recognized by Florida Trend Magazine. <br />• Reported she was unable to attend the Grand Opening for Legacy Park but had attended the Open <br />House the next day. <br />• Inquired whether there were any statutory prohibitions on displaying campaign signs in vehicles after <br />the campaign had concluded. Ms. Gardner stated she was unaware of anything, but would check with <br />
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