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CC Minutes 07/08/2013
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CC Minutes 07/08/2013
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10/4/2013 2:23:42 PM
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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of July 8, 2013 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 13 of 15 <br />• Reminded the Commission that the Budget Workshop was scheduled for Tuesday, July 9, 2013 at <br />4:00 p.m. in the Police Department Multi- Purpose Room. <br />• Reported that she had received the Order in the Pleasants case and the Court had reserved judgment <br />for attorneys' fees with property application. She added that there had been an amended complaint <br />filed and she would most likely be responding to that with another Motion to Dismiss. <br />• Advised that the public comment law that had been pending had been signed by the Governor last <br />week and she would be working with the City Clerk to see whether anything needed to be modified <br />within the City's various meeting and agenda policies to comply with the new law. <br />• Reminded the Commission that she had filed an Amicus Brief in the Palm Bay case involving the <br />super priority of Code Board liens, but advised that the Supreme Court had ruled against the cities, <br />preempting them from making their Code Board liens a super priority. <br />• Advised that in light of the Supreme Court decision in Koontz v. St. Johns River Water Management <br />District which found in favor of the land owner, cities would need to be very cautious in negotiating <br />with developers to ensure that negotiated conditions were not subject to being found unconstitutional. <br />• Reminded the Commission and the audience that additional Budget Workshops were also scheduled <br />for July 10 and 11, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. in the Police Department Multi- Purpose Room. She added that <br />if the Commission accomplished everything at the July 9, 2013 meeting, those two would be <br />cancelled. <br />Commissioner Anthony Aramendia — Seat No. 1: <br />• Reported that last week Friends of the Park, Hands on Orlando and Altria conducted a volunteer <br />project at Secret Lake Park. He advised that in addition to volunteers with Friends of the Park, there <br />were 10 from Hands on Orlando, and over 50 of Altria's employees also volunteered. He added that <br />Altria had provided over $10,000 in supplies and materials which resulted in the purchase of new <br />kayaks and canoes, planting of 20 -25 new bald cypress trees and placement of several boulders around <br />Secret Lake and the canal. <br />• Attended the Grand Opening of Legacy Park and the Open House for the model home. He added that <br />he had heard that six homes had been sold, and he felt the development was going to do well. <br />• Stated he had noticed that the issue of the donation boxes being placed around the City had been <br />addressed and he was appreciative of the work that was being done on this. <br />• Stated he was glad Ms. Reischmann had touched on the Koontz case, as he had read about it and had <br />some concerns about whether it would affect the City's tree bank program. <br />
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