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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Dlinutes of September 24, 2012 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 12 of 21 <br />No one else came forward. Mayor Glancy closed the public hearing relative to Ordinance 12 -1378. <br />MOTION: Colnnlissioner Solomon moved to adopt Ordinance 12 -1378 on second and final <br />reading, as presented. Motion was seconded by Coin inissioner Aramendia. <br />Motion carried by voice vote 4 -1, Commissioner Miller dissenting. <br />E. Second Reading of Ordinance 12-1379— Amendments to ULDR Section 2- 7.10(c), <br />Fences and Walls <br />The City Clerk read Ordinance 12 -1379 by title as follows: <br />"AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA, <br />AMENDING THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA, CODE OF ORDINANCES, PART III, <br />"UNIFIED LAND DEVELOPME NT REGULATIONS ", CHAPTER H, "DISTRICT AND GENERAL <br />REGULATIONS" TO AMEND ARTICLE VII, SECTION 2- 7.10 "FENCES AND WALLS ", TO <br />INCLUDE REGULATIONS FOR THE NUMBER OF FENCES AND WALLS ALONG THE <br />PERIMETER OF A LOT; REGULATIONS FOR ATTACHMENTS TO EXISTING FENCES IN <br />RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS; AND TO CHANGE THE REGULATIONS FOR FENCES ON <br />THROUGH LOTS; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN <br />EFFECTIVE DATE." <br />Notice of Public Hearing: The Notice of Public Hearing relative tothe second reading of Ordinance 12-1379 <br />was published in the Orlando Sentinel on September 13, 2012. <br />Staff Presentation: Development Services Manager Sandra Smith gave a brief overview of the item, stating <br />that the amendment would allow most owners of a through lot to fence their yard without requiring a variance; <br />prohibit property owners from erecting two parallel fences on the same property line of their lots; and require <br />attachments to existing fences to be of a similar material, color and design as the existing fence. <br />She stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission had provided a favorable recommendation for the <br />amendments, and that the City Commission had approved the ordinance on first reading at its August 27, 2012 <br />meeting. <br />Budget Impact: There is no impact to the City budget. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the Conununity Development Director recommended adoption of <br />Ordinance 12 -1379 on second and final reading. <br />Public Hearing: Mayor Glancy opened the public hearing relative to Ordinance 12 -1379. The following <br />individual(s) came forward: <br />1. Mr. John Casselberry, 700 South Lost Lake Lane, expressed concerns about whether the proposed <br />requirements would apply to fences not on the property line. <br />2. Mr. James Fraleigh, 23 Teresa Court, spoke in opposition to the proposed ordinance, stating he felt the <br />restrictions would violate the rights of homeowners and would present a hardship to those on fixed <br />incomes. <br />