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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of September 10, 2012 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 12 of 14 <br />back on expanding the registration program to commercial properties. He further stated that these <br />folks had offered to appoint a representative to work with the City when foreclosed commercial <br />properties had fallen into disrepair, and to assist in making contact with the property owners to try and <br />remedy those situations. He added that staff had agreed to scale back the ordinance and give this type <br />of mediation a try, and advised that when the ordinance returned to the Commission for second <br />reading, it would be less expansive and would just be a matter of clarifying language in the Code and <br />would not be adding commercial properties to the registration program. <br />Discussion: A brief discussion ensued regarding questions and concerns with the proposed changes to the <br />ordinance, and possible challenges in malting contact with owners and investors on commercial properties <br />undergoing the foreclosure process. The Commission agreed it would be appropriate for Ms. Frankie Elliott, <br />as a representative of the local Realtors' Association, to make a presentation to the Commission at the second <br />reading of the ordinance regarding the mediation process they are suggesting in lieu of the City's registration <br />process. Mr. Newlon advised that the ordinance would come back to the Commission for second reading <br />without the changes proposed earlier, and the Commission could decide after the presentation and discussion <br />whether to amend the ordinance to exclude commercial properties in the registration process. <br />® Reported that the City was beginning to get some press attention regarding the Community Outreach <br />scheduled for September 20th. He stated that Channel 9 had responded with a brief story this evening, <br />and tomorrow he would be speaking with a reporter from the Orlando Sentinel. <br />® Advised that staff would begin meeting with developers later this week regarding the City's vision for <br />development of the City's property. He added that he was pleased to note that several of the <br />developers had attended some of the City's events, which he felt would be helpful in their <br />understanding of the City's vision and the real potential for the property. <br />f �.��Yi�_�I YI IC�77 \� NI'�►`�►�'JIZ�)�I f <br />• Distributed copies of an article regarding Sunshine Law issues. <br />• Advised that another trial court in Sarasota County had found the red light camera issue to be <br />constitutional. <br />• Stated that it had been over a year since a review for her had been done, and requested direction from <br />the Commission on how they wished to proceed. She reminded them that for the previous review she <br />had prepared a document outlining the work she had done on behalf of the City, and suggested they <br />may possibly prefer a one -page summary of her work. After a brief discussion, the Commission as a <br />whole agreed that Ms. Reischmann should prepare the same type of document, and that she would <br />address individually any questions the Commissioners may have. <br />® Reminded the Commission that Ordinance 12 -1375 was adopted July 9, 2012 and placed a <br />referendum on the November 011 ballot for an economic development ad valorem exemption authority. <br />She stated that over the next few weeks there would be several advertisements in the newspaper and <br />