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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of September 10, 2012 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 13 of 14 <br />that she and Mr. Martin would be available to assist with any questions should the Commissioners <br />receive any calls. <br />Commissioner Anthony Aramendia - Seat No. 1: <br />• Reported that the Latin Jazz Festival had over 8,000 attendees and was a great event. He thanked the <br />Recreation, Police and Fire Departments for their help with the event. <br />• Reminded the Commission that the Food Truck event would be Friday from 6:00 -9:00 p.m., and the <br />5K event would be Saturday at 7:00 a.m. <br />Commissioner Sandra Solomon — Seat No. 3: <br />Praised everyone who was involved with the Jazz concert on Saturday, stating that it was a great event. <br />Asked for an update on the boarded up house on Sunset Drive. Mr. Newlon and Mr. Martin advised it <br />was a very complicated foreclosure situation and asked Ms. Reischmann to give an update. Ms. <br />Reischmann stated that there were complications with the foreclosure but she did not recall the details <br />or know exactly what the status was at this time. She advised she would look into it and give a report <br />at the next Commission meeting. <br />Stated that her grandson, Stephen Solomon, was involved in organizing Orlando's first Comic -Con <br />which would be held Sunday, September 23, 2012 from 10:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m. at the Doubletree Hotel <br />near the Orlando International Airport. <br />Commissioner Jon Miller — Seat No. 2: <br />® Stated that the Jazz Fest was a wonderful event, and commended Linda Moore and the Recreation <br />staff. <br />Vice Mayor Colleen Hufford — Seat No. 4: <br />Stated that the Jazz Fest was a great event and thanked the Police and Fire Departments for keeping <br />the event a safe one even with the large number of people and the large amount of moving traffic. She <br />added her thanks to Linda Moore and the Recreation staff for all their hard work. <br />Advised that the Chamber's business luncheon would be Wednesday and that County Commissioner <br />John Horan would be speaking. She added that they would also be honoring all past presidents, as <br />September is Founder's Month for the Chamber. <br />Expressed her feeling that the Commissioners should be cautious to represent themselves as a whole <br />Commission when interacting with developers with which the City may do future business, and that all <br />of the Commissioners should be advised if any individual contact is made from a developer. Mr. <br />Newlon advised that both the golf course issue and the evaluation of developers regarding the City <br />