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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of September 10, 2012 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 10 of 14 <br />issue and it could be brought up as a discussion item on a future agenda. <br />Mayor Glancy advised that a group including School Board Superintendent Walt Griffin, economist John <br />Tuccillo, and Stan Van Gundy, who headed up made a presentation at the Good <br />Morning Seminole breakfast relating to the schools and how they affect the local economy. She stated that <br />School Board Member Dede Schaffner and Chairman Tina Calderon had asked if the same presentation could <br />be brought to a City Commission meeting. Mayor Glancy suggested that ifthe Commission approved, it could <br />be added to the next meeting under the presentations. Commissioner Miller stated he felt it was a good idea, <br />but that the opposing group should also have the opportunity to present on the same night. <br />Discussion: A brief discussion ensued regarding who would be the contact for the opposition <br />viewpoint. The Commission agreed that in order to be fair, both parties should be given the <br />opportunity to express their viewpoints, and directed staff to reach out to both parties and extend an <br />offer to make a presentation at the next Commission meeting. <br />Commissioner Solomon advised that it had been brought to her attention that the City of Casselberry did not <br />have a representative on the Seminole Cultural Arts Council. She stated that the Council is a group that <br />promotes the preservation of local cultural and historic heritage and meets once a year, in addition to <br />sponsoring one or two fundraising events. She suggested the City may wish to designate someone to attend the <br />annual meeting. Mr. Newlon advised that he would look into what is required of a representative, and would <br />advise the Commission. <br />B. Municipal Advisory Committee (Metroplan) Report - Mayor Charlene Glancy <br />No report. <br />C. Leadership Seminole Board Report - Mayor Charlene Glancy <br />No report. <br />D. Mayors /Manai?ers Group Report - Mayor Charlene Glancy <br />No report. <br />E. Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CALNO ) - Vice Mayor Colleen <br />Hufford <br />No report. <br />