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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of April 23, 2012 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 7 of 10 <br />suggested that she would like the process discussed in detail at a future meeting. <br />Discussion: A lengthy discussion ensued about the Commission's concerns with the current code <br />enforcement process and the need for them to understand the process and the legal requirements and timing <br />involved. <br />CONSENSUS: Commission consensus was to schedule a future workshop for discussion of the <br />City's code enforcement process, at which the Code Enforcement Officers <br />would be present to explain how the process works on a daily basis. <br />Mr. Newlon suggested that any of the Commissioners who would be interested in participating in a ride -along <br />with a Code Enforcement Officer should contact either him or Don Martin or Sandra Smith to schedule that <br />prior to the workshop so they would have that personal experience to share at the workshop. <br />Ms. Reischmann advised that there are alternative code enforcement processes that are allowed by the Statutes <br />that are used in some other cities, and Mayor Glancy requested that she prepare that information to be <br />presented at the workshop. <br />Vice Mayor Hufford stated that she felt there had not been sufficient time to fully discuss the City's 5 and 10 <br />year plans at the Workshop, and she expressed a desire to place them on a future agenda for more detailed <br />discussion. <br />Mr. Newlon explained that what was discussed at the Retreat was a long term vision based on broad goals for <br />the City, which had been extended to short-term objectives for the next fiscal year. He suggested that if the <br />Commission desired a general discussion on visioning, a workshop could be scheduled to address that. <br />CONSENSUS: The Commission agreed by consensus that a future workshop should be <br />scheduled for a general discussion on visioning, which would be an extension <br />of the items previously discussed at the Retreat. <br />B. Municipal Advisory Committee (Metroplan) Report — Mayor Glancy <br />No report. <br />C. Leadership Seminole Board Report — Mayor Glancy <br />No report. <br />D. Mayors /Managers Group Report — Mayor Glancy <br />No report. <br />