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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of April 23, 2012 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 6 of 10 <br />MOTION: Commissioner Solomon moved to approve Resolution 12 -2369, as presented. <br />Motion was seconded by Commissioner Aramendia. Motion carried unanimously <br />by voice vote 5 -0. <br />B. Resolution 12 -2370 — Agreement with Annan Landscape Company for Grounds <br />Maintenance Services. <br />The City Clerk read Resolution 12 -2370 by title as follows: <br />"A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA, <br />APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE <br />CITY OF CASSELBERRY AND ANNAN LANDSCAPE CO.; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, <br />SEVERABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE." <br />Staff Presentation: Public Works Director Marl-, Gisclar gave a brief overview of the item, explaining that the <br />contract for the previous landscape service had been terminated in November, as they were not performing to <br />the City's standards. He stated that Annan Landscape Company was a highly regarded landscape service in <br />Central Florida, and of seven bidders, had come in not only highest in all categories, but lowest on fee <br />proposals for all categories. He advised that this would be a 12 -month contract which could be renewed four <br />times. <br />Budget Impact: Funds have been budgeted in multiple department accounts. <br />Recommendation: The Interim City Manager and the Public Works Director recommended approval of <br />Resolution 12 -2370. <br />Audience Input: No one came forward. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Solomon moved to approve Resolution 12 -2370, as presented. <br />Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Hufford. Motion carried unanimously by <br />voice vote 5 -0. <br />There were no items scheduled on this agenda. <br />A. Future Agenda Items <br />Vice Mayor Hufford expressed concerns she had regarding the City's code enforcement procedures and <br />