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CC Minutes 12/10/2012
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CC Minutes 12/10/2012
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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of December 10, 2012 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 18 of 19 <br />lot to the residents. <br />Wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah and thanked everyone for their <br />hard work. Stated he is looking forward to amazing things for the City in 2013 and beyond. <br />Commissioner Colleen Hufford — Seat No. 4: <br />Added her thanks for getting the Santa Run going again, stating it was wonderful and she was <br />glad the City was able to continue that history. <br />Reported that she had received an email from a resident who was having a hard time paying <br />her utility bills, and that in researching the matter she had located several organizations which <br />could give assistance with utilities, including the Christian Help Center, the Sharing Center in <br />Longwood, HOPE, many Catholic charities, and even Seminole County. She advised that she <br />had also discovered that by dialing 2 -1 -1 people could access a list of how to get assistance <br />for various problems. She added that she would pass that information along to Mr. Newlon to <br />make it available for staff in assisting residents. <br />Commended the Police Department for its Angel Tree program during the holidays. <br />Advised she would be serving on the Florida League of Cities Advocacy Program for the Tri -' <br />County Area and they would be meeting next Wednesday at the League's offices in Orlando. <br />She stated that this group would be lobbying for the needs of cities and local governments, <br />and that they were open to ideas and suggestions from the Commission. <br />Wished a Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all, enjoying time with family and <br />friends. <br />Vice Mayor Sandra Solomon — Seat No. 3: <br />® Thanked Chief McNeil for being so receptive and assisting her when she calls about citizens' <br />concerns. <br />® Added her comments that the renovations to the Recreation Center were beautiful and she is <br />very proud of it. <br />® Invited everyone to her neighborhood holiday party in Carriage Hill on Wednesday night. <br />a Thanked staff for all their hard work during the year, and wished everyone a Merry Christmas, <br />Happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwanzaa. Stated she is looking forward to a productive 2013. <br />Mayor Charlene Glancy — Seat No. 5: <br />® Added her appreciation for the beautiful renovations to the Recreation Center. <br />® Stated it appears the Farmer's Market is taking off, and she had attended the first two but was <br />unable to attend the third. <br />® Advised she had received an email from a fi•iend in the Summerset neighborhood thanking the <br />City for the trees. <br />® Thanked Commissioner Hufford for sharing information about the 2 -1 -1 assistance phone <br />number, and for serving on the League of Cities Advocacy Team. <br />
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