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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of December 10, 2012 —Regular Afeeting <br />Page 19 of 19 <br />® Reported she had been a guest speaker at a Girl Scout Reach Out Reception which focused on <br />the roles of women, stereotypes, and becoming a leader in the community. She noted that <br />City Clerk Donna Gardner and her daughter Allison were part of the group. <br />® Shared that she had attended the inaugural launch of the Art House Orlando, and the main <br />speaker was Vernon Rainwater from Northland Church, who had given credit to the City of <br />Casselberry for being the inspiration behind this project due to its support of the arts and what <br />the City had done in the community with the Art House and the parks. She stated that the <br />City was actually listed in the program for the inaugural event under the special thanks <br />section. <br />® Shared some thank you letters she had received from local elementary school students who <br />had participated in her recent teach -in sessions. <br />® Wished everyone a warm, joyful holiday season with family and friends, and the best to <br />everyone and the conn-mmity for the coming year. Stated she was looking forward to seeing <br />everyone Friday for the tree lighting event and at the staff holiday party. <br />There being no further business, Mayor. Glancy adjourned the meeting at 8 :30 p.m. <br />DATE MINUTES APPROVED BY CITY COMMISSION:�� <br />ATTEST: <br />Al <br />onna G. Gardner, CMC <br />City Clerk <br />