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CASSI;LBI;RRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of Tebruary 28, 2011- Regular Meeting <br />Page 10 of 11 <br />the Wayne Densch Performing Arts Center, and Linda Moore, City Parks & Recreation Division. <br />E. Seminole County Redevelopment Planning~Agency Report -Commissioner Solomon <br />Noted the 17-92 corridor was emphasized at the State of the County luncheon. <br />1 CITY ANAGE EP T <br />® Reported a status report on the proposed Wawa station was distributed to the City Commission as <br />previously requested. <br />15o CITY r~TT 1®TEY'S P T <br />® Gave a status report regarding the Cenh•al Florida Environment corrective quit claim matter. <br />® Reported on a recent court ruling regarding apre-emption on code enforcement liens being superior. <br />16o CITY CE EP T <br />® No report. <br />17. CITY ~ ISSI 1~iL S9 T1~/C 1\T1.7 <br />Commissioner Susan Doerner -Seat No. 1: <br />® No report. <br />Commissioner Sandra Solomon -Seat No. 3: <br />• Spoke in favor of red light cameras and the safety benefits of having the cameras in place. <br />® Reported she has received numerous commendations regarding classes held at the Art House. <br />® Stated she was unable to attend the jazz concert held on February 26t1i but had received favorable <br />feedback about the event and commended staff. <br />Commissioner Colleen Hufford -Seat No. 4: <br />® Reported she attended the recent Movie in the Park event and. commended staff for a great event. <br />® Reported she attended the February 26`I' jazz concert and commended staff for a successful event. <br />